Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on November 11, 2004 By dharmagrl In Misc

I got my first tatto when I was 24.  It's the only one I don't have a picture of, and it's very boring...just some flowers on my left ankle.

I waited until I was 30 to get the next one.  I had decided on this design years ago, it was simply a question of finding the right artist.  I got lucky and stumbled across Matt Thrash...I told him what I wanted, he hand drew it, and away we went:

It's an ouroboros, an ancient infinity symbol.  It represents (to me) the cyclic nature of life and death.

After I got the ouroboros, I decided that every tatto I had done would be an outward representation of inner feelings and beliefs.  3 years later, I got this one:

It's a trinity knot, again representative of the cyclic, neverending nature of life.

Then, on my birthday last year, I got this one:

I wanted something with a little color in it, and also wanted to incorporate my appreciation of thought that a modified sunburst would be an appropriate way to do both.

My latest one was in March this year:

Again, another infinity symbol.  D'ya see a common theme here?! LOL

I'm getting some more done next year.  I want hebrew symbols for 'courage' and 'wisdom' on the tops of my feet....but I have yet to find anyone who 1) speaks and writes Hebrew and 2) is trustworthy enough to be honest about what they're giving me....I'm afraid I'm going to end up with 'idiot' or 'loser' tattooed on me for the rest of my life!



Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 18, 2004
Nice tats! I see so many people that get a tattoo just to have one, with little or no thought put into it.

I got two homemade tattoos in High School. They were ugly and I got them covered as soon as I was old enough to get legally inked. After a wait of fifteen years I got my most recent. It's an eagle done all in black and gray. It's got a lot of detail, and took a total of 10 hours over three sittings, but I love it.
on Nov 19, 2004

Nice tats! I see so many people that get a tattoo just to have one, with little or no thought put into it


That's how my first one was...'I just gotta have a tatt!' kinda deal.  It's flowers, and whilst they're okay I do have plans to have them covered up or incorporated into a bigger design.

I'm sooo looking forward to next spring...I've decided to wait until then to get the ones on my feet done, so I can wear sandals or go barefoot whilst they're healing.

So, when can i see yours?

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