Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on October 23, 2004 By dharmagrl In Blogging

It seems that we have a blog spamming outbreak on our hands.

First, poor Miggy got hit, and she got hit hard.  More than a half-dozn of her articles were violated with spammy trash inviting us to play online poker or order controlled substances via the internet. Miggy fought a good fight, asking them politely to please stop...but to no avail.  They kept on.

Today, I saw 3 more articles that had been spammed too.  Miggy is not the ony victim of this awfulness, the spammers are branching out.  no-one is safe; we are all potential victims.

We need to put a stop to this raping of our articles.  We need to nip this in the bud before we have a full-blown epidemic on our hands.

It seems these spammers are all 'anonymous users'...I'm going to edit all my articles so that only registered users can respond to them until the spammers are dealt with.  I don't like to do it, but it seems to be my only option. 

I also want to make it known that any spamming of my article will result in immediate deletion of the offending response, and if possible, I will blacklist the perpetrator of the spam.

My fellow bloggers, I urge you to do the same.


on Oct 23, 2004
We gotta band together! We gotta stand up for what we believe in! We gotta fight for spam free blogs!
on Oct 23, 2004
It really does suck, dharma. It used to be that the spam did its own thing and just wrote tons of its own blogs ala Fred Harteis, but now it's thrusting itself on us. I hate to make it so that no anonymous readers can comment since I have family that pops in from time to time, but if I end up getting spammed, I probably will. Grrrrr
on Oct 23, 2004
This sounds like a job for the League! The League!
on Oct 23, 2004
I don't want to lock out the possibility of family or friends not being able to comment but if we just check often and delete quickly we may be able to stem the tide of evile!
on Oct 23, 2004
I am leaving my blog open as bait for the spammer. I just dare him/her to tread the water. Then I will swoop down like an eagle and rip his/her beady little blogger spam right off. Mwahahahahaha.
on Oct 23, 2004

Dev:  I'll do the same.  I'll leave my blog open to anon posters, and wait for the opportunity...


Fred Harteis' was nothing compared to this garbage...

Chip...I'm suiting up and waiting for the call....

Geez: Like I said, we must nip this in the bud!!!


on Oct 23, 2004
Unfortunately I already warned about this spam poison. We really need a "block all anon posts" option.
on Oct 23, 2004

We really need a "block all anon posts" option.

We have one. When you post and edit your articles, you can slect who is able to respond...'anyone', 'registered users' or 'no-one'.

I don't use it very often, but should I get spammed I will.  That's the only way I know of stopping these assholes....

on Oct 24, 2004
I meant something more global. One check, all blog posts have anon posts blocked, or allowed.
on Oct 24, 2004
Prehaps it would be easier for the admins to block anonomous uses from posting links?

That way an anonomous user could comment on articles but could not post spam links.

on Oct 24, 2004

Brad got hit up.... is safe!!!!!

Run for your lives!!!

on Oct 24, 2004
Prehaps it would be easier for the admins to block anonomous uses from posting links?

I think that this is an EXCELLENT Idea!

Why spam blogs anyhow? do they really think it will get traffic to their site? Grrr it just ticks me off to see it

on Oct 24, 2004
I got hit, too. And it promptly got deleted. If they want to write about it in their blogs where the rest of us can ignore and mock it, fine. However, bringing it other people's blogs? Come on blog spammers, find another way to waste your time.