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Published on October 22, 2004 By dharmagrl In Current Events

I had to go see the neurosurgeon this morning (that's a whole other article).  There's an abortion clinic right next to his office, and there were the usual motley crew of assorted whacko's and nutjobs protesting outside.

One of them caught my eye.....because she had her 2 kids with her.  Little kids, maybe 5 or 6, certainly no older than 7. 

Little kids, holding big pictures of aborted fetuses.  Bloody, gory, graphic pictures of tiny shredded and mangled bodies.

Little kids, who aren't old enough to understand the process of reproduction, let alone termination of a pregnancy.  Kids who think that babies come when mommy and daddy have a kiss and a cuddle, or that infants are delivered by a stork.

Little kids, who dont know any better, being used by parents who damn well do.

I think it's reprehensible.  I think that there is no excuse, absolutely none, for using your child in such a disgraceful manner.

Here's the thing that really gets me:  these protestors were harping on about how precious a child's life is, about how someone had to  protect these little innocent lives.....and there they were, exposing their own children to things that no 5 or 6 year old should ever be exposed to.  Ever. 

I am sickened.  Truly, deeply, sickened.  How could she?  How could anyone?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 22, 2004

I have a huge issue with the images that children are seeing today.  I was going to write a blog about it, but I'm having a hard time putting my feelings into words about it.  Being that I am a photographer, I see things in great detail, and I put them to memory.  Luckily, my childhood was kind of bland, but I still have very clear images of a time that my grandparents killed and skinned a pig, or when my parents killed chickens.  And, that was for food.  What sticks with children when it's an image that they can't associate with anything positive?  It bothers me.  It bothers me a lot.

on Oct 22, 2004
CHildren should not be forced to reinforce the politics of their parents...No matter WHAT the issue. Its just another form of exploitation.
on Oct 22, 2004

What sticks with children when it's an image that they can't associate with anything positive?

What kind of a world must these kids think that they're growing up in?  A place where grown ups rip babies to shreds before they're even born? 

I can't even begin to imagine the emotional trauma some of these kids must be undergoing.  They'll be a psychiatrist's nightmare when they get older. Don't these people realize what they're doing to their children?

I wonder if the parents that are protesting with their kids like that are also the ones who won't let them play certain video games or watch certain movies because they're "too violent"?

on Oct 22, 2004

CHildren should not be forced to reinforce the politics of their parents...No matter WHAT the issue. Its just another form of exploitation.

I think so too.  I think it's wrong; very, very wrong. 

I wonder what DSS would have to say about it?

on Oct 22, 2004
While my own feelings are very much anti-abortion, I agree that exposing children to this sort of thing goes far beyond reasonable or sane. That parent should be locked up for child abuse.
on Oct 22, 2004

While my own feelings are very much anti-abortion, I agree that exposing children to this sort of thing goes far beyond reasonable or sane

I don't necessarily agree with abortion either Mason, but I sure as hell wouldn't take my child out there and use them as a protest tool.

on Oct 22, 2004
Aw 'cmon, mom probably thought she was doin' the right thing takin' her kids along to battle for the Lord...
on Oct 22, 2004

Aw 'cmon, mom probably thought she was doin' the right thing takin' her kids along to battle for the Lord...

Oh well, in that case....

Seriously, it aggrivates me to no end that they're there in the first place.  It's a hard enough decision for a woman to have to make without having to run the gamut of morons to get into the damn building.  It makes me wonder what kind of lives they live that they can afford to stand out there day after day.

on Oct 22, 2004
"I think it's reprehensible. I think that there is no excuse, absolutely none, for using your child in such a disgraceful manner."

Is the outcome of that child, exposed to that picture, more reprehensible than the outcome of the child shown in the picture? Mangled and shredded tiny bodies, I think was the description.
While I see your point and respect your outrage...even share it to a degree, I must objectively point out that parents, while they should never force a belief or opinion on a child, do have a right to expose them to their values, whether or not anyone else agrees with those values. That's called raising them. And there are alot of people who expose children to things on regular TV that are just as detrimental and will necessitate just as much therapy, and breed just as much violence. Additionally, the heart behind sitting 6 year olds in front of the television has nothing to do with anything so "altruistic" as saving the unborn.

With respect for you and your thoughts, you have an excellent heart. This is certainly not to say that protecting the innocent isn't the chief concern, but let's be ballanced and identify abuse in all of it's forms. Dead babies, children negleced and unmonitored in front of the TV, and children exposed to a picture of what happens inside the building behind them. Let's at least be fair.
on Oct 23, 2004
I can't even begin to imagine the emotional trauma some of these kids must be undergoing. They'll be a psychiatrist's nightmare when they get older. Don't these people realize what they're doing to their children?

Indeed. I think it's about same par as a parent that teaches her or his child details on sex in order to sue other parent or someone famous for revenge and/or money. Hey what about the kid? He or she will be scarred for life! No amount of money is worth that.
on Oct 23, 2004
I had been thinking on this one all day, because there was so much I wanted to say, but damn, little whip . . . you hit it all.

*Yeah, what she said*
on Oct 23, 2004
wonderwild, not to be picking on you or anything, but why do so many people, when reading an article about a very specific wrong, feel that the author is somehow derelict in their duty as a writer because they havent mentioned multiple other wrongs?

I did not find Dharma derelict in any way. The inverse, in fact. However, I felt the need to articulate that this represents a much larger issue. And if we are to call that mother, to use your term, say that she is wrong in her perogative to include her child in that protest then we must also call it wrong when these other things happen. And that was the view that I was expressing. In addition to, not in condradiction to, her point. My reference to fairness, which I should hardly have to defend, is simply a call to see that the real issue wasn't that one mother, it's a widespread carelessness for, as she well pointed out, the innocents. Forgive me if expanding on a well placed subject leaves you deffensive. I intend only the highest respect.
on Oct 23, 2004
My connection was spotty earlier, so I couldn't comment until now...

I must objectively point out that parents, while they should never force a belief or opinion on a child, do have a right to expose them to their values, whether or not anyone else agrees with those values. That's called raising them. And

If a parent wants to be against abortion and protest outside the clinic with graphic posters, that's fine. It's their choice to protest and express their views. But, if they want to pass their views/values down to their children there are better ways to do it than hand them a poster with a an aborted fetus on it. Parents should instead be teaching their children to value life. All life. Respect it and cherish it. When the child is older (maybe birds and bees age), then they may want to bring up the topic of abortion and at that time, if they've raised their child well (in the way they want) that respect and love for life may translate over to being against abortion. That's bringing up a child.

The fact that people sit their children in front of a tv and let it raise the kids is no excuse for this type of behavior (parading 6 year olds in front of abortion clinics). That's apples and oranges.
on Oct 23, 2004
Oh, and I forgot to mention (if it wasn't already obvious), I'm with you on this one, dharmagrl! That's just plain craziness!
on Oct 23, 2004
don't necessarily agree with abortion either Mason, but I sure as hell wouldn't take my child out there and use them as a protest tool.

Nor would I. Am agreeing with you on this one.
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