Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.

My 8 year old found a baby snake in the yard today.  It crawled over his foot, causing him to run inside screaming and shaking with fear.

I went out to see what it was, and spotted it under the outside toy box.  Small, about 8" long, with a grey/tan pattern and a flat diamond shaped head.  It struck at me, so I went and got a stainless steel bowl and my garden hoe (I looked for gloves and couldn't find any) and trapped it. 

We're lucky; we have an entomology department on call 24x7, so I called them. "No, it's not a rattler, it's a gopher/bull snake", the dude said.  I said it wasn't; I'd had one of those for a pet last year and it didn't look anything like that.  "Then it's a gardener snake", he said.  "Nope again", I said, "I lived in Florida and North Carolina for long enough to know what those look like and it aint one of them". "I'm tellin ya", he said, "we don't get venemous snakes around here".  "That's fine for you to say that", I said, "but I'm telling you that I can't identify this snake and you don't want to come and see it, so I'll take care of it." 

So, big brave Dharma calls her husband at work and has him swing by in his patrol vehicle to rescue her from the snake. Dave made the comment that it looked more like a worm than a snake, but it laid into his gloves when he picked it up.  We could hear it's little fangs catching on the leather as it struck and struck again.  He couldn't identify it either, but he did agree with me that it didn't resemble either a gopher or a gardener.  He ended up tossing it over the fence and into the long grass down by the stream at the end of our yard....I said "yeah, now it can come back tomorrow and we'll do this all over again."

I'm keeping my garden hoe out just in case.  Why, I don't know, because I coudn't bring myself to kill it today and I doubt I'll be able to do it tomorrow.  But I'm still keeping it out.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 18, 2004
I am told snake is quite delicious if prepared right but this one sounds a bit puny for roasting:)
on Oct 18, 2004
MMM, Snake! Rattlesnake is pretty dang good.
Google Dharma. That's how I ID'ed the snakes that end up in front of my door all the time. Smooth earth snakes mostly. (eats bugs)
on Oct 18, 2004

this one sounds a bit puny for roasting:)

Yeah, this would resemble spaghetti after being cooked.  Now the snake that I kept as a pet...she would have made a decent meal.

on Oct 18, 2004

The ones on the bottom are what I had in my yard....

It was a water snake.  Makes sense really, considering that we have a stream about 20ft away from the back yard. 

I told that dude it wasn't a gardener, garter or gopher.  Hah!

on Oct 18, 2004
I remember late one night laying in the floor in my underwear in front of my TV watching Goldfinger (imagine the sight...ha!) when out of the corner of my eye I saw a 3 foot long snake coiled on top of my VCR on the TV!!! Talk about your blood running cold!!! Luckily, my front door was right by the TV so I opened it and quickly grabbed the snake near it's tail and flung it out! SHIT! Didn't know I could move that fast...
on Oct 18, 2004

That's pretty freaky, Shovel...I'd have probably had to change my shorts after that! You live in Texas too, right?  Who knows what kind of snake that was; you're lucky you didn't get bitten!

Our snake was an escape artist.  I had to weight the lid of her tank down or else she'd get out and go missing for days.  One time last November she'd gotten out and I couldn't find her...until I put my feet down at the end of my bed in the middle of the night and felt her laying down there, trying to get warm.  I shot out of bed, she slid into the closet, and I had to go find a leather gauntlet to wear before I could pick her up.  She struck at me a few times and caught my arm, but I managed to get her back in her tank.

on Oct 18, 2004
I have seen copperheads with similar markings to those water snakes Karen, also rattlers and copperheads DO live as far north as you. they are usually not too active when it gets cooler.
on Oct 18, 2004

I have seen copperheads with similar markings to those water snakes Karen, also rattlers and copperheads DO live as far north as you. they are usually not too active when it gets cooler.

I know they live this far north...that entomology guy kept on about how they haven't had a venomous snake on base for years, and I'm thinking "well, this one looks awful suspicious..."  I've seen rattlers and copperheads before, and this one had the same color and the same shaped head as the last rattler I saw. 

I'm not about to go screwing around with snakes I can't identify....!!

Thanks for the info!!

on Oct 18, 2004
I hate snakes. That's one of the great things about Hawaii. No snakes. They actually have teams that are specifically trained to go on alert if someone even thinks they see a snake near an airfield or port. Snakes completely changed the ecosystem of Guam and the Hawaiians are taking no chances.

Good luck with your snake issues. Hopefully it isn't a dangerous snake. Just be careful with Henry. You can teach the kids to look out and stay away, but it will be harder with him.
on Oct 18, 2004
Henry is bred to kill critters like that... Or at least bark at it till Dharma or Dave come out and kill it.
on Oct 18, 2004

Henry is bred to kill critters like that... Or at least bark at it till Dharma or Dave come out and kill it.

Yeah, he's bred for it..but he's so small right now that if that had been a rattler it'd probably have killed him had it bitten him.  However, he barks at spiders and won't touch them, so I'm thinking that he'd have yapped at it and run away.

I just hope that bastard doesn't come back tomorrow.....

on Oct 19, 2004
I'm a little late on this one, sorry dharma. I've had a lot of encounters with snakes, most of them when I was younger, living in NW Pennsylvania. The most recent was in California. I was working at the university that had been built on what used to be Ft. Ord, and it was pretty warm, so we had propped the doors to the building open. I heard a weird noise, thought some paper had been blown off the counter onto the floor, so I stood up and looked over. There was a snake (supposedly a gopher snake, but I don't know) that had come in through the back door to get out of the sun. It was at least 6 feet long, and possibly longer. I couldn't bring myself to go on the other side of the counter for a long while.
on Oct 19, 2004
at first i thought this was a sexual euphamism...
on Oct 19, 2004

Looks like a fox snake to me Karen.  My hubby showed me how to get bitten by one (unintentionally) the first time he took me to his downriver home.  It was very large, right by the water and he was attempting to grab it.  It nailed him on the hand pretty good and freaked me out.  They aren't venomous thank goodness.

My husband and boys like snakes.  I, on the other hand, can't stand them.  Maybe it is from my Irish grandmother's influence.  The Irish are pretty supersticious about snakes.  My great-gran used to kill them then put them in the road and wouldn't be satisfied until it was smashed into a fine mist.

on Oct 19, 2004

There was a snake (supposedly a gopher snake, but I don't know) that had come in through the back door to get out of the sun

That's what I had as a pet.  She was nice...not very aggressive, not like this one yesterday. dirty-minded thang, you!  *sigh* no snake for me......

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