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Published on September 21, 2004 By dharmagrl In Home & Family

I wrote an article about people having nasty houses (and I mean filthy houses):Link

It got me thinking about my pet peeves around the house are.

I don't like a dirty tub.  I have to take a bath in a clean tub...and I get so paranoid about it that often I'll wipe out the bathtub before I run a bath, just to be sure it's clean.

I don't like it when the cushions on the couch are haphazardly tossed all over.  I'm just not comfortable sitting on a messy couch.

But my absolute favorite:  I can't sleep in an unmade bed.  I just can't.  I can get into it, but I'm not comfortable and I end up getting out of it, making it, then getting back in.  My husband is working nights at the moment, and I end up making the bed right before I get into it because it's usually occupied all of the time - but at least it's made and I can rest.

So, what's yours?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 22, 2004

They can even take crayon off the wall. They're amazing!

Yep, and scuff marks off the floor...I like them because they work really well on textured surfaces (walls, fridge doors etc)...and you just toss them when they're done.  Brilliant, as far as I'm concerned!

on Sep 22, 2004
Another one I thought of was the toilet paper roll. I have to have the paper hanging off the back of the roll, down the wall, not the front. I've been known to surreptitiously change the roll around at other people's houses because it aggrivates me so much. In our house I'm the only one who ever puts the roll on the holder, so I know it's done 'right'.

Interesting. Mine is the exact opposite. It drives me nuts when the roll is put on so the paper isn't in the front. It should be right there, where I can see it and reach it easily.

I don't have to make the bed to sleep in it, but I have to make sure the sheet is tucked in good at the bottom. I have been known to wake up in the middle of the night to find the sheet has come untucked and simply get up and remake the entire bed.
on Sep 22, 2004
Oh, and it drives me bonkers when the small and large spoons/forks are mixed together in the silverware drawer. They must be organized according to size.
on Sep 22, 2004
Oh, and it drives me bonkers when the small and large spoons/forks are mixed together in the silverware drawer. They must be organized according to size.

Yeah . . . I don't like that, either.
on Sep 22, 2004
Oh . . . and when plastic silverware or cups get put in the sink (we throw ours away) with all the regular dishes.
on Sep 22, 2004
It drives me nuts when the roll is put on so the paper isn't in the front
I'm with you on this one.  I don't like the paper to run against the wall.  I see my booger-laden children smearing their hands on the wall and just don't want those germs touching anything.  I am not a nut about it but prefer it out to in.
on Sep 22, 2004

Oh, and it drives me bonkers when the small and large spoons/forks are mixed together in the silverware drawer.

I'm with you on that one.  Forks too. 

I don't know why I have to have the TP against the just doesn't look right to me the other way around.


on Sep 22, 2004
I don't know why I have to have the TP against the just doesn't look right to me the other way around.

Probably some bizarre British thing.

on Sep 22, 2004

Probably some bizarre British thing.

Yeah well...ya know, we eat with our forks in our left hand and drive on the other side of the road, so there's a good possibility that might be it!

Weirdo..yes, I am, and I'm proud if it!

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