It's Friday night and my husband and his friends are having a get together.
Are they going to the club to party, I hear you ask? Partying all night, drinking themelves into a stupor? Playing poker, perhaps? Watching movies?
None of the above. Thay're having a milk drinking challenge.
Some bright spark decided that they should (a la 'Jackass') see who can not only drink a gallon of milk in the shortest time but who can keep said milk down for the longest. They're putting food coloring into the milk so that when the inevitable spewing occurs it'll make for a technicolor effect.
A gallon might not seem like a lot, but bear in mind that it weighs 8 lbs. That's a lot to be asking of the human stomach all at once.
Dave's not participatng, but he is spectating. I questioned his ability to not puke himself - he's the worst sympathetic puker I've ever known. When the kids were babies them spitting up even a small amount of formula would make him gag and hand the offending infant to me to clean it (and the spit-up) up. He said he's going to stand well clear of the action, and have a trashcan handy just in case.
*sigh* and these are supposedly grown men.
Pictures will follow, I'm sure.