My husband is coming home in 30 days.
I'm really kind of scared.
See, we've lived apart for a year (all except for 3 months in January when he came home on leave). Living together again is going to take some getting used to.
I've done things my way. It's been just me and the kids. He's done his's been just him and 'the guys'. Trying to get the two to blend together...that's going to be difficult.
I'm speaking from experience here. He's been away on deployments too many times to count before....usually for 3 or 4 months at a time....and the 'getting back together' part is hard. That's the part no-one tells you about. Everyone tells you how to cope whilst he's gone, how to prepare for being apart...but no-one ever tells you what to expect when he gets back.
I know we'll be fine, as long as we both have realistic expectations of what will happen/not happen. We've learned from experience that it's important to know what each other's idea of the reunion and the days thereafter will consist of. Otherwise someone's going to get let down...which will result in a fight, which can mar the entire experience. That happened when he was on leave, the first day he was home. We made up, sure, but it still put a fly in the ointment.
So, I'm afraid...tentative, I suppose. It's going to be some work, getting used to each other again. Add to that the pressure of having to pack up the entire contents of the house, drive 1200 miles, spend weeks with in laws and family members who are going to put pressure on us to spend time with 'their half' (his Mom, who doesn't speak to his dad, is a master manipulator...well, she thinks she is. There's a lot of other things that I think she is, crack-head bitch being just one of them...but that's a whole other story), in-processing to a new base, moving into a new house....well, that's a lot to deal with dig?
We said that if our marriage could survive this past year, we'd be able to survive anything. I'm inclined to amend that to 'if our marriage can survive the past year AND the subsequent reunion we can survive anything'.