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Published on June 21, 2004 By dharmagrl In Home & Family

....I was laboring with Jake. 

Right around this time in the afternoon I was at 7 cm still, I had been stuck there for most of the day it seemed.  My doc had agreed to turn down the pitocin whilst he went off to a wedding (I encouraged it, don't worry), and when he came back at 4ish he turned it back on again. 

 About an hour later I declared I wanted some more morphine, so the nurse checked me.... and I was at 8 so they couldn't give me any more.  They gave me phenergan instead (I was puking - transition from first to second stage labor always makes me nauseaous) and I dozed for 45 mins or so. 

 I woke up with the most incredible urge to bear down, so overwhelming that I could do nothing but go with it....Lonesome saw me do it and said "Are you pushing?  Stop it!! Stop pushing!!", stuck his head out the door and yelled for the nurse.  She came in, saw the top of Jake's head, and called for the doc.

So, after 3 pushes, Jake made his grand entrance.  He weighed in at 8lbs 4 oz (I don't make dainty boy babies) and was an absolute little angel.  Cried right away, scored 9's on his Apgar test, had blonde hair, blue eyes, and had his Dad and I in tears. 

Now, eight years later.... he's still got the blonde hair and blue eyes, and he still has the ability to reduce his father and I to tears. He's my 'little guy', my angel in human form. 

Happy Birthday, Jakey-Poo.  May you have many more!

on Jun 21, 2004
Happy birthday to your Jake, Today is my husbands birthday also!
on Jun 21, 2004
Dharma I'm so jealous - You dozed for 45minutes - I wish I could have fallen asleep - was it the drugs? Do they make you sleepy? Is that what I did wrong? No drugs- I was begging to go to sleep - I was begging to go home - I actually tried to walk out at one stage - it was about 7pm I think (I'd been at hospital since 5pm) Nick brought me back just as another contraction paralysed me to the spot I was at.
Elana was out at 1:21am and even after it was over (they gave me a bed in the ward and sent Nick home at 4:30am) I couldn't sleep.

Congratulations Dharm - and Happy Birthday Jake
on Jun 21, 2004

You dozed for 45minutes - I wish I could have fallen asleep - was it the drugs? Do they make you sleepy?

Yes, phenergan is an anti-nausea drug that also makes you sleepy, and that's why I managed to get a nap in...I was still aware of the contractions, but was much more relaxed about them.  It was hilarious, the way Lonesome said "are you pushing!?  Stop it!!!"...I still tease him about it.  I think that he though Jake was just going to fall out and he'd have to catch him or something!

on Jun 21, 2004

Your baby is 8 already?!  Doesn't it fly by?!  Sometimes it seems like yesterday that you saw that little face for the first time.  Then you look at them and think about how much has happened and how much he has grown.  Tell him his cyber-auntie says happy birthday

on Jun 21, 2004

He says to tell you all thank you for remembering him on his birthday!

He's done such a's funny the things I remember.  Him getting his nose stitched up when he split it clean through falling off a chair....him having a talking chiuaua (sp?) from Taco Bell and being very attached to it...he called it "my choo-choo-la-la" because he couldn't say it any other way....him saying "I trod in a tud".....having chicken pox when he was 9 months old......ahhh, the memories!

on Jun 21, 2004
OMG! My baby was born today, on your son's birthday! Wow! That's soo cool. Tell him I said happy birthday!! I can't wait until I can have all the funny and cute memories with my Alysia, the way you do with Jake.

on Jun 22, 2004
gefeliceteerd! as we say in Dutch. Now don't ask me to pronounce it, as my level 2 dutch has yet to reach some amount of sophistication..