I met with the Principal, Vice-Principal and a local Police Officer at Shea's school this morning.
Shea told them extent of the harrassment and made a formal written statement. The school won't tell me what action will be taken aginst the boy who touched her, but they DID tell me that they weren't going to let it go unpunished.
Shea is not the only girl this boy has done this to. He's also got a Juvenile Detention record for assault. From what I heard this morning, he's been in and out of care all his life and has parents that either aren't there or don't give a shite. In a strange way I feel bad for him. I don't think he did this maliciously, I don't think that he intended to hurt Shea - he just likes her. A lot. As in 'want to be your boyfriend' kind of like. Shea doesn't like him in that way, and he went about declaring his attraction for her in a very blunt, 'beat you over the head and drag you back to my cave' kind of way. He just doesn't know when to stop, and that's what gets him into trouble.
I hope that, instead of simply punishing him, someone gives him an attitude re-adjustment. I don't think that he's got any kind of positive male role model in his life; I don't think he knows how to behave properly in ANY situation, not just with girls. He needs more than JD time, he needs HELP.
Obviously, my daughter's welfare comes first, but I have to tell you, world, that my heart is heavy with sorrow for this boy. I've gone from wanting to beat the crap out of him to wanting to take him under my wing and give him what he obviously needs: a home with love and discipline. This kid is screaming for someone to parent him, and nobody has stepped up to the plate and taken on that task. He needs people who will give him boundaries and guidelines, who will give him goals to achieve and who will reward him when he reaches those goals. It's not all about punishment, there has to be some reward there too.
I honestly, truly feel sorry for him, and I feel SO incredibly guilty for feeling that way. I swear that the older I get, the more my heart hurts when I look at the world. I'm supposed to be getting more jaded and cynical, not more tender-hearted!
I hope that someone helps him. I wish that I could.