It is I, Gracie. I am back again today because I don't gots to be in my room and My Momma is busy doing something with this white box that makes all kinds of slooshy water noises. She's putting those things that peoples wear over their fur every day in it, and then she puts some runny smelly stuff in there too. I dunno why you peoples don't have much fur - do you haves flees? I had a flea once. My Momma founded one on my belly, and then her and My Dave putted me in the sink and gaved me a 'baff'. I didn't like it. I don't like being wet. But, I didn't like flees neither. It itched me.
Today My Dave covered his fur up and then he went and stood by my room and said Graciecomeoverhere. I tried to be as small as I could sos he wouldn't see me and I pretended like I was sleeping, but he still told me I had to comeoverhere so I did because I wanted to be agooddawg even if it meant that I had to go in my room. But when I did comeoverhere he gaved me a treat and I didn't have to go in my room!! He patted me on the head and kissed My Momma and said Igottagotowork and went outside. I went to the window to see where Igottagotowork is at, but I couldn't see him so I figured that it's probably a long ways away. It's ok, though. He always comes home.
That cat is looking at me, and I don't like it. I chased her down the stairs this morning and she jumped real high and knocked some stuff off the counter and woked My Momma up. When I seed My Momma coming out of her bed I got into bed with My Littlest Kid and pretended to be asleep and guess what? That Cat gots ALL the blame! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told that cats there's a storm a comin and she'd best be looking out for it and I MEANT it!!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!! She thinks she's so smart, but she's got nuffin on me because I ARE GRACIE and I is SMART!
My Momma is about done with that slooshy water thing so I gots to go, The Internets. She doesn't know I can type and if she sees me near her laptopcompewter she'll tell me getawayfromtheredawg and I don't like her saying that to me. She's a good Momma, though. She's not mean. Not like That Cat. That Cat gots claws that prickle me and I don't like that either.
Ooh, My Momma is getting the sucky thing that makes the noise out! I LOVE that thing! I bark at it and try to bite it and sometimes my chops get sucked up in the end of the tube and it makes My Momma laff so hard! I Like it when she laffs.
I gots to go, The Internets!