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I must live in the dumbest neighborhood in the USA
Published on May 27, 2004 By dharmagrl In Home & Family

My neighbor is a retard. A straight up idiot.

Between out 2 houses there is a strip of grass that's about 20 ft wide.  One end of it leads out into the street, the other to a huge playground and open field area behind the houses.  Our houses are split level, which means that the bedroom windows are at ground level along the side of the house where the grass is.

This moron is out there, on the strip of grass between the houses, golfing.  Hitting golf balls out into the street where everyone's cars are parked.  He's hit the external wall of my house 4 times now, and has tapped Shea's bedroom window once.  I don't know if he's hit any cars yet...mine's in the garage, so it's safe, but there's a very nice Durango directly in his line of fire, and an Intrepid parked right next to it.

We have all this open field and grassland less than 25 feet away, but he chooses to golf by the side of my house, and is hitting the balls out into the street, no less!

Sometimes I wonder how some people make it through the day without injuring themselves or someone else.


Comments (Page 2)
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on May 28, 2004
I considered that as well but in retaliation you always want to hit back with some form of shock and awe. Golf balls would only induce a type of golfball firefight, whereas a bowling ball will be the bunker buster that makes him take stock and decide to give up the lame sport called golf.
on May 28, 2004

We live in military housing, Miki.  I was waiting for him to break a window or damage someone's vehicle before I took action...I had considered going out and asking him to stop, but that wouldn't have been any fun.  I have such animosity towards these fucking assholes that I want to afford them every opportunity I can to screw themselves, so asking him to stop wouldn't have been beneficial to my cause.

I liked the bowling ball idea....

on May 28, 2004
lol. I guess this guy's a fellow soldier as well than. Might not be condusive to get in his fact too harshly. Try the bowling ball...
on May 28, 2004
sorry..instead of calling me 'miki' you can please call me Todd. If you like of course.
on May 28, 2004

Yeah, he's in the AF, and I'm starting to wonder how the hell he ever made it this far.  I'm not going to get in his face, not because I can't handle him but because there are more effective ways of going about orchestrating his downfall.  I'm gathering evidence...along with the officially unsubstantiated accusations made against me by his beeatch wife, I have last night's incident, various violations of housing policy, violations of base regulations...all of which will be submitted to his First Sgt and Commander when I feel I have enough to bury him. 

I'm not a mean person by nature....but they've pissed me off and have dragged my kids into it, so as far as I'm concerned the fight is on.  I'll win.  Without a doubt.

on May 28, 2004

Well, I'm adding more to my 'moron file' this evening.  The people on the other side of me have gone on vacation, and moron has parked his truck in their driveway.  Moron and Beaatch's kids are riding bikes and 4 wheelers all over my lawn, my driveway, in my garage, on my porch...and the parents are sitting on their front porch, drinking beer and watching all of this take place.  No respect for anyone else's property, or space...nothing. 

Freakin' idiots, both of them. 

on May 28, 2004
And why exactly are you not bitching them out? Seriously, do something. Grrr... I take that back. Turn the other cheek, no wait, have righteous anger and bitch them out. You're not the only one with moron neighbors, if that's any consolation. Our neighbors are noise pollution freaks, and don't stop yelling at their kids.

on May 28, 2004

. which is it? Bitch them out, or keep my mouth shut?!

I'm keeping my mouth shut...for now.  I know how they are; if I ask them to control their kids they'll call the cops and I'll end up being the bad person in the equation.  So, I'm going to wait it out....

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