My daughter, Shea, got presented with her annual school awards yesterday.
She was sick (she's had a headache for 3 days) but she insisted on going to school . I ended up going to pick her up later in the morning because she felt so rotten, and she greeted me with an armful of certificates.
She got one for 'Outstanding Participation' in the phys ed program, one for 'Outstanding Participation' in the music program (she played Dorothy in their version of 'Oz' and solo'd outstandingly well), another for being on Honor Roll all 4 quarters...but her pride and joy, her most special one yet, is the one from the President's Education Awards Program that she received for 'Outstanding Academic Excellence'
"Look mom, it's signed by the Secretary of Education and the President!!! The President signed my certificate!!!" she told me, her eyes shining with tears.
It's a form certificate, I'm sure that thousands of kids across America have the exact same certificate (her dad has one from when he was in grade school)...but my kid thinks that it's the best thing she's ever received. The pride I see and hear when she talks about's really quite something.
Something that I hope she can hold on to and recall throughout her academic life.