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Crabby battles.
Published on May 26, 2004 By dharmagrl In Pets & Nature

Martin has decided that he wants Jacques shell and will have it at any cost.  He has flipped Jacques over, has put his claw in Jacques shell, is rocking him back and forth and is chirping away like no-body's business.  I went to look up this behaviour on the internet, and sure enough, its a shell fight.  The advice is to let them fight...we have spare shells around for the loser to move into and crabs usually don't die as a result of these battles.

So, the fight is on.   Will Jacques surrender his home to Martin?  Will Martin like his new shell?  Will there be injuries?

Stay tuned......

on May 26, 2004
Lets get ready to rrrrrumble!
on May 26, 2004

So far Jacques hasn't surrendered his home.  He retreated into his shell and stayed there until Martin gave up.  So, it looks like they're taking a break for now...but I'm fully expecting to get up tomorrow and find that they've either done a house-swap in the night, or a naked crab scuttling around the tank.

I'm going to start taking pics tomorrow.....Casey and I could start a crabby-blog!

on May 26, 2004
dharma, sounds gripping.....maybe you should video it
on May 26, 2004
How big are they?
on May 26, 2004
I haven't heard from you lately. Do you like the recent pieces? Also is there another we can contact here. like a link to your e-mail? thanks for the help.

on May 27, 2004

They're small-mediums according to the pet store, Casey. A bit smaller than the one you're holding in the picture.  Jacques is bigger than Martin, and Martin has issues with his shell, like he can't maneuver very well with it..which is why I think he wants Jacques' shell.  They were at it all night, but Jacques hasn't moved out yet.  I'm going to get some more shells today to see if Martin will find one of those acceptable accomodation and leave Jacques alone... can email me at


on May 27, 2004
dharma....sounds like you are going to corner the crab real eastate market....
on May 27, 2004

@ Gerry!!!

on May 28, 2004
one of your crabs must not watch peoples court (and indeed why should it? hahahaaha) or it would know what happens when you initiate a constructive eviction.
on May 28, 2004
Kingebee, you're so funny.....!!!
on May 28, 2004
Hmm....this is turning into a lovely little drama...don't you think...."The Times and Trials of the Crabs"....possible title...think about

on May 28, 2004

'A Tale of Two Shells'


' Shells In The City'

Someone help me out here.....I'm running low on inspiration this evening...


on May 28, 2004
call me a crab...i mean ishmael.
on May 28, 2004

So, the fight is on. Will Jacques surrender his home to Martin? Will Martin like his new shell? Will there be injuries?
Stay tuned......

Sounds like a soap opera.  How about "All My Crustaceans"?

on May 28, 2004

How about "All My Crustaceans"?

ROFL! Brilliant!

'Like sand through the hourglass, so are the pieces of my shell'
