There was a job fair at my college today. For some reason, someone on the faculty decided that it would be a good idea to have a DJ come along and set up a disco in the cafeteria. When I mosied down there on my lunch break I heard 'you're gonna boogie-oogie-oogie til you just can't boogie no more....' and saw a bunch of people line-dancing over on the dance floor that had been set up.
I joined them. I couldn't resist it; it's been years since I went out dancing and I had honestly forgotten how much fun it was. I danced with them; I added my own little spice to it with a few turns and spins and kicks and hip sways....I got my groove on and I DANCED.
When the song ended I looked up and saw the rest of my class standing up from their seats and clapping. I thought they were applauding the DJ and the rest of the dancers, but as I walked past them and they started patting me on the shoulders and hugging me I realized they were clapping for me.
For me.
I've never had a standing ovation before. 
I came off the dance floor happy. Really, truly happy and joyous. Not because I got applause, but because I DANCED. It's been a long time, and I had forgotten how GOOD it feels to move to music; to be unafraid and to just go with your body's movement and enjoy how it feels.
Never underestimate the power of dance. Go get your groove on, and see how good it feels.