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Published on September 6, 2007 By dharmagrl In Current Events


The woman in the photo is Melanie Jones, the mother of Rhys Jones, the 11 year old little boy who was shot in the back on the neck in Liverpool, England a couple of weeks ago. 

She's kissing his coffin as it's loaded into the hearse, ready to be taken to the cemetery where it will be buried.  She won't get to kiss it again, so it's a goodbye kiss for her.

That woman must either have some incredible emotional fortitude or be on some good 'azepams' (diazepam, lorazepam - valium, in other words) - I know that I couldn't be that calm.  I'd be falling apart with grief - as I imagine Melanie has in the past few days.

I'm so sorry, Melanie.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  I have a little lad the same age as your Rhys, and I can't imagine having to make funeral arrangements for him.  You are a better woman than I, girl.  By far.

I caught the live action on TV this afternoon, and I was doing fairly well until I saw that kiss.  Then I just broke down.

I'm so sorry, Melanie.  That's all I can really say.


on Sep 07, 2007

I'm sorry for her loss too.

I'm also VERY sorry for the media circus the incident has turned into, the gaping crowds of strangers who 'care', and the utter loss of her privacy in this, her darkest hour.

I can understand why you'd feel that way.  Rhys has become public property, and I cannot imagine how that must make his parents feel.  He was THEIR son, not everyone else's, and sharing him in death must be incredibly painful. 

2 months from now, when Britain has found another poster child, Rhys Jones' parents will still be grieving - because Rhys will still be dead.  Britain, however, will have moved on.