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Published on August 7, 2007 By dharmagrl In Misc

It’s hot around here.  Very hot.  Almost 100 degrees hot.  Miserably hot, in other words.  The kind of heat that becomes the sole topic of conversation on the news and in stores and over telephone lines.

Growing up the in UK, I was never exposed to much heat.  Bikini weather for us was 70 degrees, and  anything over 85 was described as a heatwave. 

I got my first real taste of heat when I lived in North Carolina.  My first summer there we had days that were over 100 degrees, and I was incredibly grateful for the wonderful American invention of air conditioning (we don’t have much of that around in the UK).  I don’t recall it being too humid, though.  Not humid like it is here in Illinois.

I lived in South Dakota for 9 years.  Most people associate South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska et al with the cold – sub zero temperatures, lots of snow, that kind of stuff.  What they don’t realize is that the summers in the part of the country can be hot.  Incredibly hot.  100+ degree hot.  In fact, the penultimate summer that I lived there (2003) saw temperatures close to 110 degrees.  Now THAT’S hot!

When we moved to Illinois, we knew that it would get pretty warm in the summer.  What we didn’t realize, though, was that this area is also very humid.  South Dakota heat is a dry heat, which makes is easier for me to handle.  Illinois’ humidity just about does me in.  We had days a couple of weeks ago that saw 95+ degrees with 70% humidity.  This week, we’re projected to have 100 degree temperatures and humidity at or above 60%.

60% humidity is rotten.  It’s sticky, steamy… makes me feel perpetually damp, like I just got done showering but didn’t dry off properly before putting my clothes on.   I sweat buckets (forget that old adage about horses sweating, men perspiring and women gently glowing, I SWEAT) and may as well not bother doing my hair or makeup because they fall flat and slide right off my face as soon as I step outside. 

Around here, air conditioning is a MUST.  I cannot imagine how people without a/c manage at this time of year, especially the elderly, the very young, or those people who have respiratory or other illnesses that make them more sensitive to temperature changes.   I can’t imagine living without it – don’t WANT to imagine living without it.

I’m at work right now, taking a well-earned tea-break (what is it about us British that makes us want to drink tea even in the height of summer?  If there really is a firey-and-brimstone-y hell, I bet it’s filled with Brits, sitting around the lake of fire in deckchairs, drinking cups of tea out of thermos flasks).  In an hour or so, I’m going to have to load my gear  and self up into my truck-that-also-doubles-as-an-oven and make the short but intensely hot and sweaty drive home. 

I’m not looking forward to it. 

*30 minutes later*  It’s 95 degrees, but with the heat index it feels like 102, and it’s only gonna get hotter –  it’s supposed to top-out at 101 this afternoon.

on Aug 07, 2007
We're boiling here in Sunny Fl too! Our temp is at 93 right now with a heat index of 101! It's a boiling outside where I just came from. Now I really appreicate how cold my office is!!
on Aug 07, 2007
Today we're finally in some decent weather . . . decent summer weather for me being 96 degrees . . .

Hope you survive, my dear.
on Aug 07, 2007
If it feels like an oven, perhaps you really are IN an oven. I would suggest looking around for a grate of some kind. If you see that, you may be in an oven. Next is to determine whether you're in a gas oven, or an electric oven. Or a witch's oven, like in Hansel and Gretel. Did you by any chance see a candy house today?

Seriously though, good luck with the heat!
on Aug 07, 2007
Sitting here in Houston and right now the heat index is only 102. better than it was yesterday up in OK when it was around 110. I expect it'll get a bitter warmer yet today before it starts cooling off again.

I must have sweated out a couple of gallons while untarping my load this morning.

My truck's ac just can't quite deal with this. With the sun beating down it's barely able to keep it tolerable in here.

Stay inside if possible, stay cool, drinks lots and lots of fluids.

I think I'll go back inside the truckstop. I'm pretty sure it's only around 90 in there
on Aug 07, 2007

Our temp is at 93 right now with a heat index of 101

There's the rub - the heat index.  It can be 93, but the heat index makes it FEEL a darn sight more than that.  Mind you, 93 degrees is hot enough.  I'd be happy with 85 - year round.

Today we're finally in some decent weather . . . decent summer weather for me being 96 degrees

Oh hush.

I remember summers in st louis that were so fekkin' hot I'd vomit if outdoors for more than a few minutes at a time.

Yep, I've experienced a few days like that in the past couple of years.  The first summer we were here I felt like I was suffocating every time I stepped outside the house on a hot day, so....I quit stepping outside the house.  I'm tellin' ya, if I didn't have to go to work, I'd be staying inside all day every day.  Why go out and subject yourself to heat like this if you don't HAVE to?!  It makes more sense to stay inside in the cool and shade.

As Simon says, we've got too much 'weather' here, period

He's right, we do. 

I'm not surprised at him drinking iced tea, btw.  Mum had some when she came over.  She said that she didn't think she'd like it; she expected it to be like English tea - with milk - only cold.  Once she tasted it, though, she was sold.  Did Brenda-mum drink any when she was over visiting?

Did you by any chance see a candy house today?

No, and I did look for one.  I'll keep you posted, though.


I must have sweated out a couple of gallons while untarping my load this morning

I hate sweating.  Truly.  It has to be the ickiest feeling in the whole world - all slimy and slick and with your clothes all damp.  Sweating whilst naked is ok, though.  It's just sweating with your clothes on that blows.

on Aug 07, 2007
I've always thought of you as a hottie, Karen, but now it seems it's even hotter than you. ;~D
on Aug 07, 2007
I have no concept of how hot it gets here... we do PT before the sun comes up and I'm in an overly air conditioned building for the large majority of any given day. I also don't look at the weather on TV or the internet.

I will say that I easily sweated out 2lb of water weight on our ruck march this morning. My ACUs were soaked through.
on Aug 08, 2007
I can honestly say that being in the Seattle area this year, I am enjoying the change in weather this summer from Arizona last year and Texas the 4 before it. Today was actually a bit chilly even, I think the high was around 68. I do miss the sun though. And it makes me laugh everytime I hear a local talk about how hot it is whenever it gets close to 80.......

Here's hoping I can wish some of my cooler weather your way!
on Aug 08, 2007

There's the rub - the heat index. It can be 93, but the heat index makes it FEEL a darn sight more than that. Mind you, 93 degrees is hot enough. I'd be happy with 85 - year round.

Living in a high humidity area, and spending a lot of time in the desert southwest, I can tell you that the humidity is worse than the heat!  In all respects except one.

When you get into a car here, the temp is 95%.  And the seats and steering wheel reflecft that.  It may feel 104, but at least the non-animate objects dont reflect it.

When you get into a car in the desert and the temp is 120, the inside is 120, the steering wheel is that hot, and so are the seats!

So the moral?  If you are in the desert, walk more, drive less.

on Aug 08, 2007

I've always thought of you as a hottie, Karen, but now it seems it's even hotter than you. ;~D

OOh, you silver-tounged devil!

I will say that I easily sweated out 2lb of water weight on our ruck march this morning. My ACUs were soaked through.

If you were a fighter right before a weigh-in, that'd be good.  However, you're not, so it's bad.  Stay cool, and hydrate.


And it makes me laugh everytime I hear a local talk about how hot it is whenever it gets close to 80.......

Hahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not going to be under 80 degrees here tonight or any other night for the next week or so!  That's hilarious!

If you are in the desert, walk more, drive less

I'll bear that in mind should I ever be in a desert situation.