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Published on July 31, 2007 By dharmagrl In Home & Family

I'm a big fan of BBC America's 'How Clean Is Your House?'.  People write in and nominate their friend's, relatives or neighbors who have very dirty homes, and Kim Woodburn and Aggie MacKenzie go pay them a visit and help them clean the place up.

There have been some FILTHY homes on that show.  Nasty, dirty, smelly, moldy....people who have had poo and pee smeared all over their toilet bowls and walls, mildew in all the wondows, laundry piled up 6' high, pee stained couches and carpets and mattresses.....there have been some homes on that show that have literally put me off my supper.

I've got some very good cleaning tips from them.  I think that the best one was using what the Brits call 'biological' laundry detergent on burnt-on stovetop burners.  I found that Oxydol - which is a pretty cheap detergent - works well; it has an enzyme in it that eats up any grease or burnt-on food.  I use it on the burner grates and covers when the kids have let something boil over and have continued cooking without cleaning it up.  I put a half a measure in a sink of very hot water, immerse the grates or whatever needs cleaned in it, and leave it for half an hour (or longer, depending on how much time I have).  It never fails; the burnt-on mess literally wipes right off with very little to no scrubbing involved (and thereby less damage to your stove).  You can also make a paste out of the detergent powder and some water and apply it right to your stovetop if necessary. 

So, that's my best cleaning tip.  What's yours?

on Jul 31, 2007
Don't let your children move or eat or breathe.
on Jul 31, 2007
Hire Marie Barone as your cleaning lady.
on Jul 31, 2007

Don't let your children move or eat or breathe.

Yeah, that'd work for me too.  I'm looking forward to school starting so that I can leave the house in the morning and KNOW that it will be in the exact same condition when I return in the afternoon.  Right now when I come home I usually walk into a disaster area.

Hire Marie Barone as your cleaning lady

Now let's not get silly. It'd have to be a pretty dire situation before I resorted to HER.

on Jul 31, 2007
1. Point at mess.
2. Say, "Wife, clean that!"

Magic eraser works well at getting pretty much any marks off any surface.

3. Be murdered by wife, and never have to clean again.
on Jul 31, 2007
Magic eraser works well at getting pretty much any marks off any surface.

I love magic erasers. They are the greatest. crayon off of wall, cleaning tile grout.

My best cleaning tip is following the flylady routines. Link

Doing a load of laundry every morning. Training myself that laundry isn't done until it's washed, dried, FOLDED and PUT AWAY. I was pretty crappy about the last two for a while. We were always searching for socks out of the laundry basket. At least, they were clean.

I would love to learn the trick to cleaning the shower door though. I can never seem to get it fresh looking.

on Jul 31, 2007
Oh speaking of enzymes, Pet Out is great for getting animal pee smells out of the carpet. If they can smell where they went they think it's okay to continue using that spot to potty. The enzymes eat up the bacteria that they can still smell. I get it at Walmart.
on Jul 31, 2007
Flylady is currently helping my wife. I have yet to let it affect me, though I know a thing or two about shining sinks from her talking. FlyLady can definitely work.
on Jul 31, 2007
I would love to learn the trick to cleaning the shower door though. I can never seem to get it fresh looking.

jythier's wife here: have you tried using a back scrubbing brush and just whatever shampoo or soap you have on hand. Just wash it down at the end of every shower and make sure its rinsed off. That might do the trick. I'm pretty sure this is what flylady recommends.

As for Jythier doing housework lets all laugh together now! lol I'm working on him and he's going to be a flybaby whether he likes it or not.

My favorite cleaning tip - focus and fifteen minutes. Pick a spot to focus on, find a timer, and go at it for fifteen minutes. Do this at least once a day in a new place and before you know it messes are all cleaned up!
on Aug 03, 2007
My best cleaning tip is following the flylady routines

I'll have to add a big thumbs up to that one! I love Flylady.

Also, I have a cleaning lady come in every once in a while to help me REALLY scrub the place down. But I realized that cleaning the toilet every morning takes 30 sec....and then I never need to scrub. So my cleaning tip:

Any job, not matter how poorly, is better than nothing!
on Aug 03, 2007
How to keep shower door clean? Keep a spray bottle full of a water- vinegar-bleach mix (50% water, 25% vinegar, 25% bleach) nearby and lightly spray it after each use. It eats right through soap scum, the vinegar eliminates odors, and the bleach kills mold spores and bacteria.

I will have to try that. Thanks, LW
on Aug 03, 2007

do you ever aknowledge comments anymore

I'm trying.  Sorry.  I just have a lot of stuff going on right now.  I can't talk about some of it, and the rest of it I don't want to talk about.  I'm trying to work things out in my own head before I vent about it.

I haven't forgotten about you, though.

on Aug 04, 2007

I thought you were mad at me!

No - if I WERE mad at you, I'd have told you.  I remember lessons learned.....

There's just some stuff going on at work that's taking it's toll on me emotionally and mentally, and I can't talk about it.  I AM taking breaks, though; I'm making sure that I look after myself.  In fact, I'm going to be posting an article about that in a little bit....