Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on July 23, 2007 By dharmagrl In Life Journals

One: I wish that I had never done what I just did.  I hadn't seen Larry King's interview with Tammy Faye Mesner, so I (via the wonder that is the internet) just watched it.

I wish that I had never done it.  I'd have preferred to remember her as she was.  I don't think I need to say any more; those of you who saw the interview will know exactly what I mean.

I think that one of the best things that woman ever did was to go on VH1's 'The Surreal Life'.  It gave us a chance to see her, Tammy Faye, instead of Jim Bakker's wife.  Yeah, she trowelled her makeup on and never met a tube of mascara she didn't like, but we all have our little quirks.  

I'll miss you, Tammy Faye.  

Two: After undergoing some tests, my female patient got a call from her physician last week that caused her husband to acquiesce and call in hospice.  Ergo, I can't say anything else about her, her diagnosis, her treatment....I can't really say anything about anything. 

*sigh*  I knew that this day was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

I told you all a lie.  I said that there were two things, when there are actually three - nope, four!

My dad passed away a year ago today, and I'm ok with that.  I don't mean that in a bad way, I just mean that I'm dealing with it and have decided to spend today reflecting on and celebrating his life, rather than his passing.  I think he'd approve. 

Shea and I went to the BX at 0430 Saturday morning so we could be first in line for the new Harry Potter book.  We both finished reading it yesterday, and we're both sad to see the series come to an end.  However, I'm glad that it ended the way it did, and I think JKR did a good job bringing it all to a close.

 I do have one regret about my dad's passing: our family name is mentioned in (and plays a part in) this new Harry Potter book and I'm sad that he wasn't around to see it. He'd have been pretty damn proud of it, I'm sure.

I miss you, dad.  Always.

on Jul 24, 2007

I'll, take your advice on the Larry King interview.  May she rest in peace.

I know you still miss your dad.  It shows.