Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on June 22, 2007 By dharmagrl In Life Journals

Dave finally gets to have his ACL reconstruction surgery today.

The past few days have been nightmare-ish; he's been calling all over the county and city, trying to make sure that Tricare will cover everything.  They haven't, btw. They haven't covered everything - but we'll make do without the equipment they wouldn't cover.  It pisses me off, and D's going to write his elected official(s) when he's recovered, but right now it's time to concentrate getting him through the op and on the road to recovery.

When I stepped out of the shower yesterday, I saw 'I *heart* u Karen' written on the mirror above the vanity.  He'd done it a couple of days ago, knowing that when I was paying attention I'd finally see it. 

He goes to extremes, that man.  He's either a total love or a total butt. 

I much prefer the love.

on Jun 22, 2007
Darling Dharma! Be there when he knee-ds you! BWHA HAH HAH!
on Jun 22, 2007

(Mon Cherie).

Best of luck to Dave and for a speedy recovery.  And to you during the same period.

on Jun 22, 2007
Whew. Good luck, my dear. Hope all goes well.

I'll be thinking about the both of you.