It was spring photo day for my children's school district a couple of weeks ago. I haven't purchased school photos (spring and otherwise) for a couple of years, mainly because they've been incredibly expensive and generally not very good.
This year, though, I'm making an exception. The photos they all brought home are very, very good, and I was very surprised - they're not what I would consider 'normal' school photos. Well, Jake's photo is pretty much a standard school picture, but Davey and Shea's aren't. Here, see for yourself:
This is Shea. She's 14 - will be 15 this year - and, in my opinion (with the aid of mom-goggles), is turning into quite a beauty. She's also smarter than I could ever hope to be and has been accepted to the honors math and english programs at the local high school.
This is Davey. He's grown a lot over the past year - physically, mentally, and morally. He's also smart - I just wish that I could persuade him to apply himself. He's making A grades without really trying and I often wonder what his grades would be like if he tried. He's got a girlfriend - they've been seeing each other since last October - and his voice is on the verge of breaking, much to his delight.
This is Jake, the youngest of my brood. He's a natural athlete; he's a recipient of the Presedential Fitness Award this year - and he's really proud of that. He swims like a fish, can run like the wind, and loves to skateboard. His bruised shins and scraped knees are a testament to his love of boarding! Jake started playing the alto saxaphone a month or so ago, and is what his teacher describes as 'musically gifted' because he took to it like a duck to water. He even resigned as the Captain of the Safety Patrol so he could play the sax, which speaks volumes about his enthusiasm. Jake makes good grades and is a member of his school's 'B-Team', and he's very proud of that.
It seems like just yesterday that I was cradling them in my arms for the first time after they'd been born. They've grown so fast; I honestly don't know where the time went. I DO know, however, that they'll continue to grow just as quickly, so I'm trying to make as much as I can out of the time that I get to spend with them. In a couple of years I'll be waving goodbye to the eldest as she heads off to college (she's got her future all planned out, bless her little heart)..., that scares me!