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Published on April 24, 2007 By dharmagrl In Home & Family

It was spring photo day for my children's school district a couple of weeks ago.  I haven't purchased school photos (spring and otherwise) for a couple of years, mainly because they've been incredibly expensive and generally not very good. 

This year, though, I'm making an exception.  The photos they all brought home are very, very good, and I was very surprised - they're not what I would consider 'normal' school photos.  Well, Jake's photo is pretty much a standard school picture, but Davey and Shea's aren't.  Here, see for yourself:

This is Shea.  She's 14 - will be 15 this year - and, in my opinion (with the aid of mom-goggles), is turning into quite a beauty.  She's also smarter than I could ever hope to be and has been accepted to the honors math and english programs at the local high school. 

This is Davey.  He's grown a lot over the past year - physically, mentally, and morally.  He's also smart - I just wish that I could persuade him to apply himself.  He's making A grades without really trying and I often wonder what his grades would be like if he tried.  He's got a girlfriend - they've been seeing each other since last October - and his voice is on the verge of breaking, much to his delight.

This is Jake, the youngest of my brood.  He's a natural athlete; he's a recipient of the Presedential Fitness Award this year - and he's really proud of that.  He swims like a fish, can run like the wind, and loves to skateboard.  His bruised shins and scraped knees are a testament to his love of boarding!  Jake started playing the alto saxaphone a month or so ago, and is what his teacher describes as 'musically gifted' because he took to it like a duck to water. He even resigned as the Captain of the Safety Patrol so he could play the sax, which speaks volumes about his enthusiasm.  Jake makes good grades and is a member of his school's 'B-Team', and he's very proud of that.

It seems like just yesterday that I was cradling them in my arms for the first time after they'd been born.  They've grown so fast; I honestly don't know where the time went.  I DO know, however, that they'll continue to grow just as quickly, so I'm trying to make as much as I can out of the time that I get to spend with them.  In a couple of years I'll be waving goodbye to the eldest as she heads off to college (she's got her future all planned out, bless her little heart)..., that scares me!

on Apr 24, 2007
They are growing up fast. Your oldest two have really changed. I'm glad to hear that they are making you proud. They seem like great kids.

Lifetouch does out school pics, too, but I really like the angles they used for the older kids' photos. Nice. My boys' pics look like Jake's (love his freckles! What a doll!).
on Apr 24, 2007
Wow! They sure are growing. All three are great looking kids. Anyone without mommy goggles would still say you have a beautiful daughter. Time sure flies!
on Apr 24, 2007

Time sure flies!

Ditto to all Jill said,and sadly to the above as well.  I hope they really have a great time with your mum!

on Apr 24, 2007
Your kids are great looking!

And in Shea's case . . . better pull out the gun when the boys come a-calling in droves!
on Apr 24, 2007
They've grown so fast; I honestly don't know where the time went.

I hear you there.

And in Shea's case . . . her mama!
on Apr 24, 2007
They are goodlooking kids, very nice pictures. I"m glad they are doing well!
on Apr 24, 2007
Of course your daughter is beautiful. She looks like you.


He's making A grades without really trying and I often wonder what his grades would be like if he tried.

Seriously. How much higher than an 'A' do you want from him? (Although if you're worried about him getting bad study habits because he's not being challenged... >raises hand and waves<)
on Apr 25, 2007

Your oldest two have really changed

I know, and it's scary!  I looked at their photos from the last couple of years last night and I was left gob-smacked at how much they've changed - especially Davey, he's really developed fast.  He came to me the other night as I was laying on the bed watching TV and showed me his armpits - he's got hair under his arms and is very, very proud of that! 

Boys.  I'll never understand them.

Lifetouch does out school pics, too, but I really like the angles they used for the older kids' photos. Nice. My boys' pics look like Jake's (love his freckles!

The angles that they used was the main reason I decided to buy the photos.  They're way better than anything I could get done at Wal-Mart or Sears, and I'm really happy with them!

Jake is ambivalent about his freckls, but I love them.  He gets them from his dad's side of the family; I don't have any freckles like that!

Wow! They sure are growing. All three are great looking kids

Thank you! 


Ditto to all Jill said,and sadly to the above as well.

Thank you too! 


And in Shea's case . . . better pull out the gun when the boys come a-calling in droves!

She's had a couple of boys call for her, but she hasn't gone out with them.  There's one kid who's in the same grade as Shea, but who's friends with Davey and Jake and comes over to our house almost daily - and he really likes Shea.  Unfortunately he's still at the stage where he shows his admiration and passion with pain, and Shea's not into being tripped and pinched and playfully hit with backpacks, so I'm not too worried about them becoming a couple any time soon.  That doesn't mean I'm not keeping an eye on them, though.  I've always got my eye on them, no matter what they're doing.....

I hear you there.

And in Shea's case . . . her mama!

Oh hush.  She's far prettier than I ever was.  Thank you for the compliment, though.


very nice pictures. I"m glad they are doing well!

Thank you, and so am I!


Of course your daughter is beautiful. She looks like you.

Aww!  Now I'm blushing!

Thank you for the compliment.


Seriously. How much higher than an 'A' do you want from him? (Although if you're worried about him getting bad study habits because he's not being challenged... >raises hand and waves<)

I don't want anything from him but his best effort, and right now he's not giving that.  I'd be happy with C's as long as he was giving his best.  What I'm worried about, as you correctly guessed, are poor study habits and the feeling that he can just sail through without really trying. 

Shea gives her all and does extra credit work for all her classes - which results in A grades, scores higher than 100% and acceptance into honors programs at the high school level.  See, I KNOW she's smart, but I also KNOW that she's doing the best she can.  I KNOW that Davey's smart, but he's not giving 100% - he's not even giving 60%.  There will come a day when he's going to get a rude awakening, and I'm trying to minimize the impact of that.  It's hard, 'miah.  It's hard to prepare them for the uneven playing field that is life but still allow them to be kids.  I wish that I didn't have to prepare them, but I think I'd be a pretty poor parent if I didn't.

on Apr 25, 2007
And in Shea's case . . . her mama!

Of course your daughter is beautiful. She looks like you.

Hear hear! You're both gorgeous!
on Apr 25, 2007
There will come a day when he's going to get a rude awakening, and I'm trying to minimize the impact of that.

Oh, yeah, I know what you're talking about. Mostly I was just funning you. I didn't get my rude awakening for a long while, not until I flunked out of college (and I still had the safety net of depression to blame that on). Honestly, I never really tried because I was/am afraid of failure. Somehow it makes sense that if you don't really try you can't really fail... I narrowly avoided summer school after 10th grade. I needed a 96 on the final test to pass the class, and made a 98. I got a C in AP Calculus in Senior year. When my father approached my buddy Pete to ask him to tutor me, Pete laughed in his face. "Mr. Doe, the only reason the rest of us in the class are passing is because your son re-teaches everything the instructor tries to explain to us."

I wish you luck with straightening him out. He might be too smart for his own good (at this point); failure, real failure, might be the only thing to snap him out of this, unfortunately. But I know you'll do your best with him (and your other two as well)!
on May 01, 2007
They do grow up too fast, don't they.  Hold on to them as much as you can, while they're still around to hold.