Britney Spears has shaved her head, and in public to boot. I'm not talking 'pixie' haircut short, I'm talking all off, smooth to the touch BALD:

She's been on a slippery slope since.....well, even before her marriage to that sleaze-ball dirtbag Kevin Federline. It's hard to pinpoint the actual thing that made her lose her mind (there's so much to choose from; the constant paparrazi presence, the divorce, 2 babies under the age of 2, the allegations of poor parenting, the marriage, the all night, every night partying, a friendship with Paris Hilton - which would have been enough to make me lose my mind in itself - the drugs, the sex but a distinct lack of rock and roll) but I think it's fairly obvious that losing her mind she is. It's as if she's standing in the middle of the street screaming for help, but nobody is hearing her.
I think that it's obvious she needs some help from some mental health specialists, and I don't mean just for drug or alcohol addiction - I think that the root of her issues lies far, far deeper than that. Whatever she needs, I know that she's not going to find it in a nightclub or a bar - heck, I'm not even sure she'll find it in the celebrity la-la land of Hollywood. Honestly, I think she just needs the chance to be normal for a bit and to do normal things - like be a mother to her boys, cook, clean the house, do some laundry, watch TV and get a good nights sleep, those kind of things. The things that millions of people across America do every day, all year long. It's not normal to shave your head in public, y'all - although now we can be sure that the carpet matches the drapes.
Justin Timberlake made a comment last year about seeing photos and interviews of Britney and not even knowing 'who that person is anymore'. I agree with him.