My hair grew! See:

I wish! The long ponytail isn't mine, it's a phony pony that I bought from the beauty supply store. I have enough of my own hair to tie back into a wee little single ponytail, but it just wasn't quite the look I wanted to go to last night's squadron Christmas party with. So, I got the phony pony, clipped it right about my wee little ponytail, and off we went! Nobody could tell that it wasn't my own hair; a few people even said how natural and pretty it looked.
Dave doesn't quite know how to react to it. He's never seen me with hair that long and it took him by surprise, I think. I promised my mum I'd send her one of these photos - I told her that I was going to wear it and she said I hadn't had hair long enough for a single ponytail since I was about six or seven - and that my dad loved it when I decided to grow my hair out because it reminded him of when I was a little girl. So, there will probably be a few tears when she sees the photos. Had dad been alive to see them , he'd probably shed a couple of tears too.
I'm loving me some fake hair, y'all!