Having lived in South Dakota for 9 years, I'm used to snow. So when people started running around like headless chickens yesterday at the prospect of a winter storm, I chuckled to myself and went about my business feeling somewhat superior.
The winter storm rolled in alright, but we didn't get snow. We got ice.
About 1/2 an inch of ice. Covering EVERYTHING.
The tree in my front yard couldn't handle the weight of the ice and dropped a bough across the street. There are icicles hanging off all the branches - it looks very festive, but it's a pain in the ass because nobody can go anywhere due to the roads being like skating rinks.
The schools are closed, and many, many people off base are without power. We got lucky here on base, our electricity is still running so we're warm and toasty. I told my husband that if one of the kid's friend's homes (that's a lotta 's, y'all) we'd offer to have them come to our home until they got power back. I'd like to have more people over, but I have to limit myself to military ID card holders because I can't get to the Visitor Center to sign people on. Then again, if I can't get out, there's a possibility that other people can't get on base. Duh. Hello, Dharma!? Are you in there?!
The dawgs don't want to go outside. They've been standing by the door, asking to go outside, but as soon as we open the door and they feel the icy blast blow in they change their minds. Can't imagine why.
I'm going to get out and take some photos this morning. The photo ops are plentiful; there's ice on the trees and the fences and covering the creek - I've never seen anything like it. I don't think it's going to be a good idea to go outside, it's too cold and too slick and just plain dangerous. Even the base personnel have been told to report 2 hours late - you KNOW that it's bad when military personnel have either a) been told to come in late or
been told that essential personnel only should report for duty and that everyone else should stay home (my husband is 'essential personnel'; he never gets to stay home when the weather is bad).
I was planning to stay home and knit today anyway.