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Published on November 8, 2006 By dharmagrl In Health & Medicine

Ever since I was a teenager I've had issues with my reproductive organs.  I didn't start menstruating until I was 14, and when I did I lost so much blood each month that I was perpetually anemic.  I had ovarian cysts that I was hospitalized for and was in so much pain that at times I couldn't walk.  It was miserable. 

I thought that having babies would straighten my hormonal issues out.  I was wrong.  It got worse.  My body, instead of settling down, betrayed me and caused me even more grief.

It got so bad that when I was 27 I was told that I needed to either have a blood transfusion ever few months or have a hysterectomy. I opted for the hysterectomy. I had my cervix, uterus and some of my fallopian tubes removed.  When they removed my cervix they found a 2cm pre-cancerous lesion on the back, so it was a very good thing that I opted for the hysterectomy.  Who knows what might have happened had I not.

I still had ovaries, and even though I wasn't bleeding all the time I still had problems with ovarian cysts and pelvic pain.  In recent years those issues subsided and I thought that finally my body had calmed down and was settling into a 'normal' state.

I was wrong.

In the past few months I've had hot flashes with startling regularity.  I've woken in the night drenched in sweat - it was so bad at times that I had to get up and change my night clothes.  My skin has become dry and crows feet have appeared around my eyes almost overnight.  My hair is coming out, I've had 5 UTI's (because of vaginal dryness) and my libido is almost non-existant.  In other words, I was peri-menopausal.

I ignored those symptoms for as long as I could, but they became so bad that ignoring them just wasn't an option.  Besided, I was worried about osteoporosis.  So, I made an appointment with my doctor and, yesterday morning, went to see her.

I'm menopausal.  According to her, my ovaries are just about done working.  They're no longer producing enough estrogen and have to be supplimented.  All those symptoms were my body's way of telling me that it has, once again, betrayed me and has quit working about 10 years earlier than normal.  

I'm only 37.  I thought that menopause was something that happened to women in their mid to late 40's.  I'm only 37, I'm not even 40 yet.  This isn't supposed to happen yet; I'm supposed to be in my sexual prime right now.  I think that I look better than I ever have done, I know that I have a confidence about my appearance now that I didn't have in my teens and 20's.  This isn't supposed to me happening, not yet.  Not for almost another decade.

I don't know why this bothers me as much as it does.  I didn't mind having a hysterectomy; I didn't feel any less feminine because I didn't have a uterus.  This, though....this has left me feeling angry at my ovaries for quitting on me so soon. 

I'm only 37, and my body has betrayed me yet again.

on Nov 08, 2006
Good gracious, it sounds like you have had a really rough time of it for a long time and now this.

You are very fortunate to have had the hyterectomy when you did though by the sound of it.

Is the doc going to put you on something and did she say if it would "sort" everything out? I hope for your sake it does and that it all settles down and gets "normal" for you.
on Nov 08, 2006
I'm sorry you're experiencing all these things so early karen. My mom had the same problems, pre-menopausal and I'm worried I will as well. My mom-in law and my sisters-in law have had so many unsurmountable problems as well. My sisters-in-law both had to have their uterus removed, and they are in their 30s too. They both also have lupus that flairs up from time to time. I worry about my daughter's health because this is generational.

While for me I haven't begun to experience any of the symptons you do, and I pray I dont so soon, although I'm older than you are, this is one of the reason why me taking care of myself is so important to me.

There's a natural health/holistic doctor who I discovered when my mom was alive that had some really good recommendations. I'll see if I can find the info or his website and forward that to you, if you dont' mind me doing so.
on Nov 08, 2006
I wish you well, and hope that with medication, your body will settle down.
on Nov 08, 2006

Good gracious, it sounds like you have had a really rough time of it for a long time and now this

Yeah, the past few years seem to have been one thing after another medically.  I'm still here though, making the best out of what I've got left.  I am eternally grateful to the surgeon who suggested the hysterectomy; I cannot imagine what things would have been like if I hadn't had it done.

Is the doc going to put you on something and did she say if it would "sort" everything out?

Yep, I started taking Premarin yesterday.  I'm on the lowest dose and I have to call in a week or so to tell her if I feel like it's working or not. If it's not, then we'll increase the dose until it's effective.  I also have to take calcium every day because of the osteoporosis risk.

While for me I haven't begun to experience any of the symptons you do, and I pray I dont so soon, although I'm older than you are, this is one of the reason why me taking care of myself is so important to me.

You know, I always wondered if I'd be able to recognize the menopause when it happened.....and I'm here to tell you that it's very easy to tell whether you're menopausal or not.  There's no mistaking a hot flash - it starts at your chest and just rises on up your neck, face and head.  My face flushes, according to other people, and I visibly sweat.  I hadn't really noticed the vaginal drynes, but I've had 5 UTI's this year, and the doc said that's a common sign of vaginal dryness.  The libido, though....well, that was one of the first things I noticed.  Poor Dave thought I didn't like him anymore!

I hope that you don't experience any of it for quite sometime, Donna.  It's not exactly the most pleasant thing!

There's a natural health/holistic doctor who I discovered when my mom was alive that had some really good recommendations. I'll see if I can find the info or his website and forward that to you, if you dont' mind me doing so.

I would really appreciate that, Donna.  Very much so.


I wish you well, and hope that with medication, your body will settle down

Thank you, and I hope so too!

on Nov 09, 2006
I hope that you don't experience any of it for quite sometime, Donna. It's not exactly the most pleasant thing!

Me too Karen. I can't imagine that it would be.

There's a natural health/holistic doctor who I discovered when my mom was alive that had some really good recommendations. I'll see if I can find the info or his website and forward that to you, if you dont' mind me doing so.

I would really appreciate that, Donna. Very much so.

Great. I'll look it up as soon as I get the chance.

so I feel for ya. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings (more severe than normal, even though I aint been normal for a longggggg time, hehe) and the heaviest, most painful periods of my life. What used to take 3-4 days to get through now lasts a week to ten days, always with heavy cramping, and sometimes with several false stops, only to start bleeding again a day or two later.

Ouch! That's horrible! The other day I was experiencing heavy period and really, really painful cramps. I was getting worried. It hasn't happened in a while though and I think my starting to exercise at the time did something. Yea, I'm not though right now and that's another reason to start again.
on Nov 11, 2006
I'm sorry sweetie. It seems so unfair....sigh.
on Nov 13, 2006
Great. I'll look it up as soon as I get the chance.

Thank you!

I think I need a good scrapin'. My mom had to have one around my age, and she said it was that D&C that finally brought on her menopause. I'm ready to get it over with, to hell with dealing with all these symptoms for years

That's what my gynecologist said before I had the hysterectomy. I had a D&C and it made no difference to me whatsoever. That's why I decided to go for the hysterectomy - all the other treatments had failed and I was about at my wits end. It's one surgery I'm not sorry I had.

I'm sorry sweetie. It seems so unfair....sigh.

Ach, I'll be fine. I'm coming to terms with it now...besides, the hormones have started to work - Dave's swearing I'm insatiable and is struggling to keep up, bless his little heart!

I'm 45 and have been experiencing peri-menopausal symptoms for about two years now, so I feel for ya. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings (more severe than normal, even though I aint been normal for a longggggg time, hehe) and the heaviest, most painful periods of my life. What used to take 3-4 days to get through now lasts a week to ten days, always with heavy cramping, and sometimes with several false stops, only to start bleeding again a day or two later.

I am so glad that I don't have a uterus and don't have to deal with that anymore! If you ever get the chance, you should try the HRT, Sabrina. It's making the world of difference to me!

on Nov 13, 2006
Dharma, didn't have time to email this to you. Here's a link to the exact page about what you're discussing here. WWW Link

and the website to go to is I've printed the info for myself so I can go home and read it. Like I said, I found his information very helpful to me for my mom at the time and after checking with our doctor the remedies he gave out was ok. Just FYI if you need it.