I'm sick. I think I have the flu. I hurt all over, I have a fever, a headache, my nose alternates between being plugged up and running like a faucet, my throat is sore.....I'm just miserable. I tried to go swim this morning (I've been bitten by the swimming bug again after spending 2 hours in the water with the kids Sunday afternoon) and managed to struggle through 10 laps before giving up because my ears hurt and my lungs felt like they were on fire.
Because I'm sick, I'm also tired. Last night was spent sitting in a semi upright position, sneezing, wiping my nose, and whining because I felt like crap... in between cat naps that weren't exactly restful.
Consequently I'm in a piss-poor mood, especially about the shit that's being going on around here recently. People have been underhanded, somewhat manipulative, and downright immature in their activities. I find it hilariously ironic that they fought for us to take them seriously despite their age, then they go do crap like that - it just negates everything they were arguing and fighting for, dig? How are we supposed to look at them in the same way we did before all this stuff went down? I know that I will have difficulty doing so.
So, I'm going to spend the rest of the day pottering around my house, drinking an herbal concoction that's supposed to be good for colds and flu (I don't like conventional medicines for things like this; I find that decongestants make me uncomfortably hyper - heart racing, jittery etc) and trying to rest as much as I can to give my body a chance to fight off the viral invaders.
I hope I feel better tomorrow; this sucks!