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..on my spiritual path.
Published on April 18, 2004 By dharmagrl In Religion
Something happened yesterday that showed me how far I've come on this spiritual path I've been walking.

We live on base, and in military housing there are some strict rules about leaving children unattended. I had left Davey (who's almost 10) alone whilst I took his sister to the BX (the department store on base). Base regs say that I can do that, as long as I'm not gone for more than an hour and the child left alone has immediate access to adult assistance (he did, I had my cell phone on me and was less than 2 mins away). I left the house at 1532 and was back at be met by a very tearful Davey who said that the cops had been by and that I was to call them as soon as I got home. I asked him what had happened, but he wouldn't answer me and went and hid behind the couch, crying.

So, I called the Law Enforcement desk. As luck would have it, a friend of ours was working up there and answered the phone. "Hey, this is ___ " I said. "My son just told me that ya'll were at my house and I'd like to know why". He proceeded to tell me that someone had called and said that I had left my child unattended and that he had been alone for hours, and that they had responded because they didn't realize who it was and that they had a duty to come out to each and every call. They had talked to Davey, verified that he was of age, and then had left. The call had come from a cell phone, he said, so they couldn't trace it and the caller had not wanted to leave their name. "I think it's just someone trying to be vindictive, Dharma. Have you pissed any of your neighbors off recently?" he asked.

Well, not intentionally, but yes, I did. There's one girl across the street who just seems to start trouble with everyone. You know, I try to get along with most people, and if for some reason I find someone I really can't deal with, I avoid them. This girl, however, is in her late teens, and insists on treating life like she's still in HS. The street has become incredibly clique-y since she and her family moved in...but anyway, I digress. I was outside talking to another girl that lives across the street, 'A' the other day, when 'B' starts making all these snide comments about kids and abuse and neglect. 'A' rises to the occasion and makes comments back, and before I know what's happening, I'm caught in the middle of the two of them yelling back and forth. I really don't like that. A couple of days later, I caught B's cat in my house, AGAIN. He has got into my garage before and peed all over a bunch of stuff I had in there - after which I took him home and told her what he had done. I've busted him in my house 3 previous times, and each time either Shea or I has taken him home and told B what he'd done. Apparently my version of hinting had no effect, because she still kept letting him out and he still kept making a beeline for my house every single time. He'd also developed a penchant for getting into my garbage and scattering it all over my yard, and that got REALLY tiresome, REALLY fast. Each time he did it I'd let B know, but she just said that it couldn't be her cat, it must be someone elses.So, I called entomology and asked that they come out and set humane cat traps around so that I could catch the offending feline and I could prove for once and for all who's animal it was that was causing all the havoc.

So, entomology come out, and it just happened that B's cat was in the process of ripping apart the freshest garbage bag when they got there. B was standing in the neighbors driveway watching, so the Airman went over and asked if it was her animal, then told her that she needed to keep him in her house or I'd be taking him to the human society the next time I caught him. B wasn't too happy about that..., it seems to me that it's not too hard to figure out who placed the call yesterday..which also leads me to the point of this article. You know, alleging child abuse or neglect is a serious thing, not something that you should just throw around because you feel like it. The ramifications from a false allegation can be far have to have physicals, social services can get involved, there are inteviews that are's not something I would wish on my worst enemy if they were innocent. There was a time when my first reaction after an incident such as this would have been to have gone and yelled at her, then spent the next few weeks scheming about how I could fuck her like she tried to fuck me. I'd have let my anger fester and brew until I'd have either got a migraine or had had a meltdown on some poor unsuspecting soul. Now, however, things are different. I'm not mad. I'm not angry, or vengeful, or hateful, or even scheming. All I feel is sympathy..for B, that she felt she had to do such a thing to try and get to me. This to me, is a great indication of how far I've come, that I'm able to let this go..that I hold no animosity for the accuser, that I bear no grudge. Even I was surprised at my reaction. I was fully expecting to feel anger rise and and cause my chariot to careen wildly out of control...and that simply hasn't happened.

I've made progress. I like that.

on Apr 18, 2004
Wow. That's impressive. I honestly know that I couldn't handle that situation so calmly.
But maybe that's just because I have anger issues. That I love revenge movies. That the idea of anyone messing with me and my child's future is enough to make me see red in just a hypothetical perspective. That last point, btw, is extreme in my situation. I think that I would do anything to prevent someone from harming my child. I don't think that I'm a big enough person to feel sympathy when someone tries to upset my life like that.
on Apr 18, 2004
Dharma..... it proves you're a far better person than she'll ever be, by not being baited into a response or revenge.
People of her ilk eventually get their comeuppance anyway.

on Apr 18, 2004
I know that what she did will come back to haunt her - it's all karma. She made a fool of herself, and I'm just going to sit back and let her continue to do so. I'm not doing anything wrong; I'm not breaking any laws or rules, and I think that while I'm not the best parent in the world I'm a decent mom. So, I'm just going to keep on keeping on.
on Apr 18, 2004
"Now, however, things are different. I'm not mad. I'm not angry, or vengeful, or hateful, or even scheming. All I feel is sympathy..for B, that she felt she had to do such a thing to try and get to me. This to me, is a great indication of how far I've come, that I'm able to let this go..that I hold no animosity for the accuser, that I bear no grudge. Even I was surprised at my reaction. I was fully expecting to feel anger rise and and cause my chariot to careen wildly out of control...and that simply hasn't happened."

Good job!! And I know what it's like to deal with those sort of accusations...we had a summer where we could count on Childrens Services to show up our house every Wednesday, like clockwork, thanks to my ex and his wife. Unfortunately, I wasn't at as enlightened a place as you at that point, and I did NOT handle it very well at all. These days, however, things like that, for the most part, roll off my back and I can recognize that they are the other person's problem, not mine.
on Apr 18, 2004
I think you dealt with that really well, I can't say I would have dealt with it so calmly, but the type of person she seems to be she would have probably enjoyed even more to get a reaction out of u. It's just unfair it upset your son so much, but good job!
on Apr 18, 2004
Why do people feel the need to do things like that? I mean, if I'm beating or starving my kids, by all means turn me in because I deserve it. But don't make wild allegations about things like this. If you have a beef with me, then take it up with ME - don't involve my kids, they're innocent in all this.
Davey, once he realized he wasn't in any trouble, came out from his hiding place quite peacefully and we had a chat about what had happened and why. I didn't name names, I don't think he needs to know...actually, I don't think he's mature enough to handle the responsibility of that knowledge..but I did tell him that he just needs to be aware that people see what he does when he's outside playing and he should act and carry himself accordingly. The last thing either of us want is for the police to become regular callers at our house..then again, the more times they come out for false allegations the more of a fool B's going to make of herself.
on Apr 18, 2004
Good show Dharma. I think you hit the nail on the head. I think, left to B's own devices, she will do herself more damage than anyone else ever could. I admire your maturity. I struggle with that sort of thing sometimes. It is often easier to know how you should behave than to put it into practice.
on Apr 18, 2004
You've already made her look like a fool by the way you handled the situation in a calm and mature manner, which I'm sure is a concept far beyond her. I think you're totally right though, If she had a problem with you, that's fair enough she should take that up with you, but upsetting your kids for no reason, that's just not on at all. At least it gave you the chance to teach him a valuble lesson to, even if it wasn't nice, at least he knows people do watch what they get up to, and he should be aware of that! Karma will come her way soon I'm sure
on Apr 18, 2004
Wow, you handled that with a lot of grace. I with I could control myself like that. Regardless, you showed what a great mom you are by calmly explaing to your son what happened. Good Job, you deserve an award.
on Apr 18, 2004
Thanks for the comments, guys. You;re all right, B's already made a fool of herself by failing to rile me...and she'll continue to make a fool of herself. It's been my experience that people like her don't stop. She'll try and find shit to complain about, and if she can't find anything 'real' I wouldn't put it past her to fabricate stuff. That's ok, let her try. Bring it on, I say.
on Apr 18, 2004
It is always encouraging to discover that, sometimes even though we didn't realize it, we have grown and matured. And hopefully those "ah ha" moments in which we realize it can serve as an impetus for us to continue to grow, not just sit on our laurels.

I compliment your poise.
on Apr 19, 2004
Dev, you hit the nail on the head.

Apparently, I am more enlightened than I realized. I HAVE grown spiritually, I HAVE matured emotionally..I have found a spiritual practice that works for me, and that is a huge deal.
on Apr 19, 2004
As an neighbor came over to my house and asked me if I had a problem with them, enough of a problem to call the police about their activities. Oddly enough, his wife had been chatting with B all afternoon today...hmm, I wonder where he got that idea from?! We came to the conclusion that some retalitation has been going on, retalition for acts that have supposedly been done by me... and that living around here is like being in high school at the moment.

I'm really getting tired of this. I'm glad we're leaving soon.