Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on August 31, 2006 By dharmagrl In Health & Medicine

I spent yesterday and last night in the hospital. 

I was in the shower yesterday morning (I had just completed a 2 mile walk with my dawgs) when I felt a pain in my chest.  I spread out from under my sternum and whilst it was excruciating, it got my attention.  It only lasted a minute or two, then it subsided.  I didn't think anything of it and continued on washing my hair and shaving my legs.

When I was drying off and getting dressed, I had the pain again.  It was stronger this time, and my heart just started racing like I had just finished running.  It made it hard for me to breathe, and I had to sit down on the bed because my legs were shaking so much.

I knew something wasn't right, so I got my cell off the dresser and called my husband I was going to the ER.  He said he'd be there in a few minutes, so I half-crawled my way to the truck and set off for the ER (it's a 2 minutes drive from my house).

When I got there, I couldn't walk properly.  My heart was racing, I was shaking, my chest really hurt, and I felt light headed.  I also had this sensation of my breath being really hot, like my lungs were having a hot flash. Luckily my husband saw me and came and got me.  He wanted to get a wheelchair to take me in with, but I was stubborn headed and told him I could walk as along as I had his assistance.  By the time we got to the doors, I was wilting. so he got a wheekchair and ran in with me.

4 minutes later, I was being loaded into the back of an ambulance and being taken downtown to the trauma center ER.  The doc on duty at the base ER had listened to my heart and turned and told the medic "probably an MI).  That scared me.  Myocardial Infarction is basically a heart attack.

We set off with lights and sirens blaring.  By the time we got off base, I had an IV in my arm.  Half a mile later we met up with the civilian medics and I got O2 and Nitro under my tongue - which eased the pain in my chest.  I got asprin to chew on and something in my IV for the pain.

We got to the ER and I was immediately surrounded by nurses sticking monitor pads on my chest and asking me questions.  I got Demerol in my IV which brought my arm out in some pretty impressive hives - so now I'm allergic to that as well as morphine.  The list of my allergies is just growing and growing.

The tests showed that I wasn't having a heart attack, but that something was obviously not right with my heart.  So I got kept in overnight for observation.  I have to say that the nursing care on the unit was the WORST care I've ever recieved. Overnight I had to fight for pain medication, and this morning they tried to give me TYLENOL for my chest pain.  I tried to have them call my pain management doc so he could tell them that tylenol are like candy to me - they have NO effect on me whatsoever, that's why I have a fentanyl patch on my arm and oxycodone to take on top of the fentanyl.  They didn't want to do that, though, so I spent all morning crying because I was tired and my chest hurt.  I told them I wanted to sign out against medical advice; I have oxycodone at home and I'd be able to take that for pain.  I caused quite a ruckus; they probably think I'm the patient from hell, but all I wanted was some decent fucking care.  Even my room mate and husband agreed that the care I got was sub-standard.

Anyway, after all the tests came back inconclusive, they said I could go home.  I'm to follow up with my primary care doc on Tuesday, and if the pain gets worse or I can't breathe, I'm to go back to the ER.  They think that my mitral valve prolapse may be causing some angina, but seeing as I wasn't having a heart attack they felt okay sending me home and having me follow up with my own doctor.  I'll probably have to go see a cardiologist and get another stress test done, I'll have to be on medication for the MVP, I'll have to follow a cardiac diet and lose some weight, and I'll probably have to carry nitro pills around just in case.

I have to say that the ride in the ambulance was terrifying.  Not because of the driving, but because I honestly thought that I was having a heart attack and might die.  The way the medics were talking, I was pretty sure that's what was going on.  I spent most of the ride concentrating on my breathing and trying not to freak out.

I HAVE to lose weight.  Not only are my joints being affected, now it seems that my heart is being affected too.  I'm going to have to be really careful about what I eat, I'm going to have to exercise more than what I have been.  I suspect that when I see my own doc on Tuesday I'm going to come away with appointments not only for cardiologists but with dieticians and the personal trainers over at the Health And Wellness Center (HAWC). 

That's fine with me.  I don't want a repeat of yesterday - ever.  I'll do what it takes to not have that happen. 

Whatever it takes.

on Aug 31, 2006

I'm glad to hear that you are OK and out of the hospital. I know you had a bad experience, but please, please, please if you have ANY problems over the weekend go in - just in case.
I spent most of the ride concentrating on my breathing and trying not to freak out.

That's obviously an important step - but I'm not so sure I would be able to focus on my breathing is such a situation.

As for all the rest of the stuff - weight and such - just take it one day at a time.

I'll be thinking of you!

on Aug 31, 2006

I know you had a bad experience, but please, please, please if you have ANY problems over the weekend go in - just in case.

Oh, I will.  I'm not so put off by the hospital that I'll put my health and possibly life at risk.  I had spinal fusion surgery at the same hospital and the nursing care I got then was just fabulous.  I guess it's just the telemetry unit care that sucks.

Focusing was hard, yes, but I didn't want to freak out and have a full-on panic attack.

Thanks for your thoughts!

on Aug 31, 2006
Glad you are okay, take it easy now, don't go over doing anything, at least until you know whats up!  
on Aug 31, 2006

Hope you're feeling a little better tonight dharma,  those ambulance rides are hard on the nerves when the patient and it looks bad.

I hope all works out ok for you.  Be good to yourself now.

on Aug 31, 2006

DAMN!  Scare a few years out of us!  But then worry a few more.  Until they figure it out, I will.  I hope they do soon.  I hope it was just something you ate, but know that is just a pipe dream.  Take care!  Maybe it was gracie just jumping on you?  Just reaching here.  And worrying.

And caring.

on Aug 31, 2006

Hope you're feeling a little better tonight dharma, those ambulance rides are hard on the nerves when the patient and it looks bad

They are, aren't they?  The medics did their best to keep me calm and not freak me out, but when the driver is flying through red lights and those sirens and wailing it's hard to not worry about why they're getting you to the hospital so fast.

I was going to call you after I got out of the shower, I know that you've been through the same thing and I wanted to ask you what I should do.  Then my heart started racing and I got too short of breath to talk well so I decided against it.

don't go over doing anything, at least until you know whats up!

I'm not.  I wanted to take the dawgs for a walk tonight, but my husband said "hell no!".  So, I'll wait until tomorrow, and I won't go as far as I usually do until I know how my ticker will react to it.

Thank you both for the knid thoughts!

on Aug 31, 2006

I hope it was just something you ate, but know that is just a pipe dream. Take care! Maybe it was gracie just jumping on you? Just reaching here. And worrying.
And caring.

It wasn't something I ate.  They gave me a GI cocktail with lidocaine in it in case it was acid refulx, but that didn't affect the chest pain in any way, so they ruled that out.  They said that it's my heart, they just haven't figured out exactly what it is yet.  They will, though, and then they'll be able to treat it - and between that treatment and my looking after myself, things will be just fine.

Thank you for caring.  That means more to me that I could ever express.

on Aug 31, 2006
Gosh Dharma, I'm so glad you're ok. Good thing you did go to the ER right away. Take it one day at a time as you plan. I hope everything will get better as you make the changes you plan.

on Sep 01, 2006
I dont know what to say,I know the pain is impossible to take,but in any case does it re-occur you should go back to the ER,and get it checked,no matter how bad or sub standard the services might be.U'll always be better taken care of in a hospital,what if something goes wrong????There'll be people around, to at least take care of you.

Take care
on Sep 03, 2006
Wow I just read this. Yikes. I see you've had a couple of normal-everyday things to blog about since this happened, so I really hope it was just a freak episode not to be repeated. Stay close to your doctors! At least to the docs who know better than to give you measely tylenol. Hmmph.
on Sep 03, 2006
Good grief....that was quite an episode. I'm glad you didn't have a heart attack...though how you kept from having one in anger at the nurses I don't know..heh.

Hope everything works out.

I just heard a report on tv last week that said being overweight by even twenty pounds adversely affects the body. (I guess that was news because for years the medical community didn't consider a 20 pound excess harmful to the body.)