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Published on August 11, 2006 By dharmagrl In Health & Medicine

I've been given a brief reprieve from the migraine that's kept me in a darkened room all day today, so I thought I'd come and tell you about Jake's test results.

His glucose levels are in the high end of the normal range.  We have to keep an eye on him and if things change we have to go see the doctor again.

In the meantime, I'm going to monitor his sugar intake and see if I can't reduce it somewhat.

Thank you all for your good thoughts and best wishes.  It's really been a comfort to me - and Jake as well!

on Aug 11, 2006
Glad to hear you've figured out what's wrong at least, and that you've finally gotten through the "wait here" machine that is the military medical system.

Hope he's ok, and that all goes well for you hun
on Aug 11, 2006
Well that's good news. It's definately better to be tested than have to keep worrying about it.

Sorry about the migraine. That sucks.
on Aug 11, 2006
Migraines are no fun. Hope you'll be able to get rid of it completely soon. I'm praying that your son will be alright in the end too.
on Aug 12, 2006
Sorry for the migraine.  I hope the best for Jake. Always.