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Life As An Air Force Wife
Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
I used the 'Blacklist' feature..
...and it felt good!
Published on April 12, 2004 By
...although it doesn't appear to be working and I'm not sure why. Anyone got any ideas?
But it did feel good, though. I never thought I'd enjoy censorship quite this much. I'm really quite ashamed to say that - but I did what I felt I needed to do.
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Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages
on Apr 13, 2004
Hey Dharma~I just sent you an email, k? I mean, I answered yours back. Just so you'll know. I stayed up ALL night again! I told you how weird I am!
. Keep holding your head high, dig? Hope my email helps you out a little? Bye for now...
(Whooooops. Almost used my given name at birth!)
P.S. Lt. Muggaz is officially defending our Society again. Aint it cool?
on Apr 13, 2004
Yes, Mad, it is....
Got to bed and get some damn sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Apr 13, 2004
Dharma, I think everyone needs to be true themselves about what irks them and what doesn't. I personally have enough important stress causers in my life. If someone here on JU won't get the message to lay off because they are pissing me off, I won't hesitate to blacklist them and delete the offending comments.
I got into the pissing match on that article and I apologize. The focus should have stayed on your feelings and the feelings of your daughter. Nothing else said there after meant anything. I am not proud that I got sucked into that.
'best wishes
on Apr 13, 2004
Jill, there's no need to apologize. You came to my defense, and for that I thank you.
My reasons for using the blacklist feature are much the same as yours...I have enough crap going on without having assinine and derogatory comments left here add to that stress level. There's not really much I can do about some stresses in my life, but those than I can change, I will.
Dan Kaschel
on Apr 13, 2004
"And this above all, to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night follows the day, that thou canst not be false to any man."
A lil Shakespeare. I hope I got that right...
2 Pages
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