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Published on July 14, 2006 By dharmagrl In Health & Medicine

Yesterday I went to the dentist to get a broken tooth yanked out and a my new partial fitted.

As usual, the extraction didn't got exactly as planned.  First, what was left of the tooth broke off, so the dentist had to cut my gum to get at the root.  Even then the little bugger didn't want to come out so he had to break out the drill and remove the bone that was holding the root in.....and it STILL wouldn't come out, so he had to use an instrument called an 'elevator' and try to lever it out. 

After almost 20 minutes of levering and drilling, it finally came out.  When it did, we could see that the end of the root was curved, creating a slight hook.  That's why it wouldn't come out without a fight.

As soon as the bleeding had slowed down, the dentist showed me how to fit and remove my partial.  It's all plastic, there's no metal parts on it like there are in some partials.  He had to shave a little bit off the back where it was pinching my gum a little too much, but apart from that no adjustments were necessary.  He told me to leave it in for around 24 hours to stop the extraction site from swelling too much, but after that I'm supposed to take it out at night and at least once a day to clean it.

I'm pretty amazed.  It fits really well - but eating with it and even speaking with it are going to take a little time to get used to.  Right now my tongue wants to keep messing with it and feeling it, but I imagine that once I get used to it that'll stop.

I'm very happy with both it and the standard of care I've gotten from the dentist thus far.  I only have one more relatively minor procedure to get done and then I'll be back to bi-annual cleanings and check-ups, which makes me very happy. 

Due to the medications my biological mother took when she was pregnant with me and her complete kidney failure, I've always had problems with my teeth.  They've either been discolored or more prone to decay than 'normal' people's teeth, and I've always been self conscious about my smile.  After this next procedure, though....I'll have a smile to be proud of!


on Jul 14, 2006

Gnashers, eh?  I love your terms.

And as far as your teeth being fragile, they may be, but the bones in your jaw sure seem to be tough buzzards!

Congrats on the new Gnashers!

on Jul 16, 2006
Cool, I'm sure once you get used to it it'll be great.

I'm looking forward to having the time and money to get my teeth replaced. Due to some drugs used to treat dysentary when I was in the service many of my teeth have been removed. The balance of them were damaged in the car wreck. I'll be happy when I can finally get them removed and replaced.

I wish I could afford the permanent dentures, that seems to me to be the ideal way to go but very expensive.
on Jul 16, 2006
Congrats on your new "gnashers"!! I loved this term too! neat way you have with words.

Aren't the roots something else? I see they did with you what they did with me when they pulled my upper teeth8 weeks ago, plop the new ones in right away!

I'm quite used to my new upper denture however the lower partial is difficult still.
Does yours "fall out" when you chew stuff? mine has! I have to be real careful when I go out to eat.

we'll have to post pics of our new smiles!
on Jul 16, 2006

And as far as your teeth being fragile, they may be, but the bones in your jaw sure seem to be tough buzzards!

Yeah, they are!

Cool, I'm sure once you get used to it it'll be great

I'm used to them already - I took them out last night before I took a shower and decided to leave them out so I could soak them.  I forgot that I didn't have them in and started eating some cherries - and pretty quickly realized that I had started relying on them to chew. Gums and cherries don't work so well!


Due to some drugs used to treat dysentary when I was in the service many of my teeth have been removed. The balance of them were damaged in the car wreck. I'll be happy when I can finally get them removed and replaced.

I'm incredibly lucky to have dental insurance that covers over half of any procedures I need.  Having said that, the cost of partials and dentures is considerably less than that of crowns, implants and bridges.

I've always been self-conscious about the condition of my teeth and I'm really happy to be getting them fixed!

on Jul 16, 2006
I've always been self-conscious about the condition of my teeth and I'm really happy to be getting them fixed!

I understand that completely. I never smile in such a way as would show my broken teeth. Always the tight lipped smile.
on Jul 16, 2006

Does yours "fall out" when you chew stuff? mine has! I have to be real careful when I go out to eat

It hasn't fallen out yet, no.  However, I am having to re-learn how to eat things, and I'm finding that things get caught under the partial and make it uncomfortable.  I don't want to use Fixodent unless I have to, but I'm thinking that if it'll keep bits of food out it might be a good idea!

on Jul 16, 2006

I understand that completely. I never smile in such a way as would show my broken teeth. Always the tight lipped smile

Yep, me too.  In a few weeks, I'll be posting pictures of myself with a big cheesy grin!

on Jul 16, 2006
In a few weeks, I'll be posting pictures of myself with a big cheesy grin!

Looking forward to it.