I'm taking a medical trascription class online. When I get done I'll be certified through the Medical Transcriptionist's of America organization, and I'll also have some more college credits to my name.
The first few lessons were easy, with multiple choice answers on the exams. I scored high on them; the lowest I ever got was 88%.
The next lessons were harder, requiring written answers in the form of essays. I figured that if I scored higher than an 85%, I'd be happy.
I scored 100% (A) on all of them.
I was stunned. I wondered if anyone had actually read what I had written, so I called the school to ask. They told me that yes, they had read my papers, and that different examiners/instructors had read them and had all decided that my efforts were worthy of an A.
The last lesson has been even more technical, and I was pretty sure that I wasn't going to score as high on the final exam that I took on Monday morning. There were a couple of questions on there that I was hesitant on, writing and re-writing my answer essay three or four times. In the end I decided that I was driving myself crazy for no good reason, that I has scored so high on the last 5 exams that I could take a hit of 80% on this one and still maintain an overall A grade. So, I wrote the best answer I could give and submitted my exam for grading.
I got my results this morning. I felt sick as soon as I saw the email in my inbox. I didn't want to open it and see my crappy result, I wanted to wait until Dave was home and make him open it.
I took a deep breath and double clicked on the email.
No result. It gave me a link to follow to see my result. Oh crap, I thought. It must be a horrible score. They're going to ask me to re-take this entire instruction block over again because I scored so badly that they're wondering if I even paid attention.
Taking another deep breath, I clicked on the link and signed in to see my grade.
100%. No, that can't be right, I thought. Thats' the grade of my LAST exam. They must not have graded the most recent one.
I double checked the exam title and number. They all correlated.
I scored another perfect. Another 100%.
Wow. Whew. Thank gawd for that! There I was worrying about it, thinking that I'd have to re-take the entire block over again, feeling sick to my stomach, and all the time.....I did alright. Better than alright. Better than I thought. Better than I expected.
I guess I really DO know what I'm doing!
Of course, this means that I've set the bar at an impossibly high standard and if I score anything less than 100% in the future I'm going to be upset with myself. Well, maybe not 100%. 99% would still be good. As would 98%.
I'm still not sure they're actually reading what I'm writing, though. Maybe I'll call them later today to ask again....