Yes, this is going to be a very boring blog about domesticity and appliances. If you don't like this sort of thing, feck off now.
Last Friday I put a load of clothes into the washer, set the cycles, and walked away. an hour later I went back, expecting to find my laundered clothes spun and ready to be dried.
Not so. The tub was full of water and it wouldn't drain.
I knew what had happened because it had happened before. There are gears and cogs under the washer that agitate and then spin the drum. Those had broken. Last time they broke (6 years ago) it cost me $130 to get it fixed. Living where we live now and inflation over the past 6 years told me that it was going to cost a lot more than that to fix it this time.
Dave and I talked it over and considered our options. We could a) get the washer fixed.
finance a brand new washer and dryer set (the set we have is 11 years old now) or c) get a reconditioned, guarranteed appliance and save up for a brand new washer and dryer set.
We chose option C, and went off in search of a used appliance store.
In my travels to nursing homes and hospitals around Belleville I had often passed a place on the corner of IL161 and Sherman Street that had used washers and dryers and fridges on display, so we decided that it should be our first stop. We parked and went in and were greeted by Steve the owner, who showed us his selection and was happy to leave us alone to choose. Choose we did, and we agreed on $150 for the new Hotpoint machine, delivery for said machine, and they'd also install it and take away the old washer.
We scheduled a delivery date, and today the machine arrived as promised. I'm sitting listening to it do it's thing right now, actually. I never realized how much laundry backs up until i was without a washer for a few days; now I've got load upon load to do (despite my caveat to the kids to not change their clothes 3 and 4 times a day as they are apt to do).
Anyway.....I like to give credit where credit is due, so if you're in the Belleville area and need a new appliance, go see Steve at Reconditioned Appliance Sales on Sherman Street. He's an honest guy and he'll treat you right - he won't rip you off or give you a crappy deal. I know I'm pretty satisfied with the service I got from him and his employees.
And now, back to the laundry I go.....