I am human. I have human emotions, feelings...I am not controlled by them, but nonethless my words and actions are affected by them.
I am not immune to hostility and anger. When you cut me, I bleed - and today, your words and your actions cut me. I'm not going to overexaggerate and say that you cut me to the bone, but you cut me you did, and I bled and shed tears.
I don't need many people very often; I've become adept at managing on my own...but today, I NEEDED you. I needed you, and you walked away from me. You shut me off, you forced isolation upon me.
You do not have exclusive rights to bad days; we all have them. Bad days are universal things. But friendship is supposed to surpass bad days, it's supposed to be there no matter what. Love is supposed to be there no matter what.
Are you only my friend when I'm having good days? When you're having good days? Can't we have a bad day together, can't we share our misery with one another?
Apparently not.