We all have people we don't like. We're human, we all have different personalites; we're not all going to get along with each other.
On a scale of dislike people we know can rate from a 'can tolerate in small doese' all the way through to 'detest'. I'm relatively lucky; there aren't many people on the higher end of my scale...I 'detest' very few people.
How can that be? How can it be that out of all the people I know, I detest a few of them? I wish I could say that it was due to my sunny personality and high tolerance for stupidity and spite. Unfortunatly, that's not true (I can be decidedly gloomy and grouchy and I don't suffer fools gladly).
People I detest simply cease to be in my world. I make them not exist. No, I don't kill them - well, not physically, anyway. I do it mentally instead. I erase every remainder of their existence from my life, and I press on. I try to focus on other things, and eventually that person becomes an non-entity to me.
Occasionally, though, the person I had managed to erase slips back into my field of vision. Like a bad smell, their arrival is silent and it isn't until it's right under my nose that I realize they're there. Of course, I'm forced to pay attention to THEM, but....I don't take notice of what they're doing and saying. I don't hear their message. I shut my ears, and if I can help it, I don't even open what they've sent me. Opening and reading, or listening is just going to make them exist again, see, and I'm not prepared to let that happen - especially if I've worked particularly hard to make the person in question not exist.
There was a time when I didn't do this, this practice of making people not exist in my world. I used to get myself so wound up - I used to let the people who were high on my scale of dislike have all the power. They had the power to anger me, to scare me, to wound me mentally and emotionally. I would cry over their words and their actions; I'd be afraid to open my email account because of what I might find there and I wouldn't answer the phone unless I could see who was calling. I was a prisoner in my own life, and I hated it.
Now, though, things have changed. I've taken control; I've taken the power from the people I don't like (and who, in turn, dislike me) - I've repossessed it. This is MY life, MY world, and if I don't like someone I have the power to make them not exist. Granted, it's easier to do if you're not in close proximity to the person you don't like - but it's still possible. You may not be able to make the PERSON not exist, but you can sure make their PERSONA or attitude not exist and therefore not matter to you. I have a couple of people who I have to interact with occasionally who I've made non-existent; I just view them as walking sacks of flesh, spouting meaningless hot air. I don't let their words or their opinions exist in my world.
It's not always easy to do this, to make people you don't care for non-existent in your world - but it IS possible. It takes a little practice, but it IS possible to achieve a mental blacklist.
You should try it.....you might like it!