Coca-Cola is releasing what I think could be the perfect beverage in 12 days time.
Coca-Cola Blak. According to the website (Link ) it's supposed to be a blend of regular Coke and - wait for it - coffee.
Could it be? Could my two favorite beverages in the entire world really be blended together successfully into one great tasting drink?! I don't know. I have high hopes, but I can't seem to formulate how it's going to taste. See, I like Coke as it is. And I like coffee - as it is. I don't know how I'd take to a coffee flavored coke or a carbonated cup of java. I just can't get my head around it.
But, as I say, I have high hopes for this drink. It was released in Europe last December, and seems to have done well there, so it can't be too terribly awful. So, maybe it WILL work out well and it WILL be everything I imagine it to be and not a fiasco akin to the 'New Coke' disaster of a few years ago.
In 12 days and a few hours America will be able to taste for herself, and I can't wait!