Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on March 21, 2006 By dharmagrl In Misc

I'm not going to be able to see the VP when he comes to visit today.

I'm still ill.  I still have a sore throat and a fever.  And, it's snowing. I don't think that standing around for 3+ hours waiting for Dick Cheney to arrive and 'rally the troops' (that's the official reason for this visit) in the cold and snow is a good idea.  Besides, I'd just pass on my virus to MORE people, and I don't want to do that.

If it had been the President himself I would probably have gone.  Seeing the Prez is a much bigger deal than seeing his lackey.  I mean, what has Dick Cheney actually done?  Not a lot, not than I can rememebr anyway.  Let's see....he was in an 'undisclosed location' when 9/11 was going down, he caused my husband to have to go to Pierre SD for a 3 day TDY a couple of times because he was pheasant hunting there and needed someone to guard his plane when he was gone....he's had some heart and knee troubles and he shot some lawyer last month down in Texas.  That's about all I can remember.  Feel free to add more if you think that he's done something important and I've left it out.  So, why would I want to stand around in the cold for 3 or 4 hours waiting for a lousy shot with health issues and a knack for disappearing when the heat is on to arrive?  I wouldn't.  Which is why I'm not going.

I am kind of interested to know what his rally call will be like though.  That's okay, my husband has been posted in a pretty prominent location today - so much so that his Commander told him last night that his uniform had better be something right out of the pages of the AF PFE today because EVERYONE who was anyone was going to have to walk right by him today.  So, he'll be able to tell me what Dick has to say for himself. The base paper will have a transcript of his speech in Thursday's edition as well.

I don't think I'm going to miss much by staying home.

Not much at all.


on Mar 21, 2006
Hope you get pictures of yoru husband from the event!  And that you feel better soon.
on Mar 21, 2006

Hope you get pictures of yoru husband from the event! And that you feel better soon.

Me too!  I know that the base paper will be out there taking photos so hopefully he'll be some of those and I can buy a couple from them. 

I'm feeling a bit better today - my sinuses aren't as full and I don't have a constant bad taste at the back of my throat - but I still have a bit of a fever and a really sore throat.  I think that if I DID go out to see Cheney today I'd be paying for it tomorrow - I'd probably be right back to where I was yesterday.  So, I'm going to err on the side of caution and stay home and knit. 


on Mar 21, 2006
Standing in the cold is about the worst thing you can do when your sinuses hurt. I felt pretty good yesterday until I got out in the freezing wind. Then the sinus headache hit and has hung in there ever since. I feel for ya!

Stay home, warm, and rest. Dick isn't worth it (I love the title BTW)
on Mar 21, 2006
double post
on Mar 21, 2006
lol, I like the title. good pun. Hope you feel better soon!
on Mar 21, 2006
Yeah, if you'd have showed up and given the veep a cold, you might have been investigated as a bio weapons "dirty bomber" (LOL).

But seriously, sorry you missed your opportunity. Meeting a head of state is ALWAYS a big event, even when you disagree with them.
on Mar 21, 2006
You really are not missing much when you miss Halliburton Dick!
on Mar 21, 2006
Well I guess if you're sick, its big of you to share dick with your husband. No reason for both of ya to miss out!