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Published on March 13, 2006 By dharmagrl In Misc
Yesterday was a glorious day here in southern Illinois. The temps were in the high 60's, it was partially sunny with a very slight breeze...just a beautiful day.

So, naturally, we didn't want to sit inside; we wanted to be outdoors. We decided that we'd cook out and whilst we were waiting for the coals to be ready we (Dave and I) got our ball gloves out and played a little catch.

Being British and all baseball's not really my game. We do have something like baseball in the UK, but we call it 'rounders' - the bat's much shorter and we don't use gloves. So, the concept of playing with a glove was somewhat alien to me until about 5 or 6 years ago when my husband persuaded me to play catch with him one afternoon. I'm somewhat used to it now, but I still have a few bad habits, like not getting behind the ball when I go to catch it, and occasionally I'll grab at it and send it spinning out of my mitt.

Yesterday afternoon was the first time we played catch since I had my spine fused last summer. A few of my bad habits were manifesting themselves, so I was concentrating hard on getting behind the ball and not grabbing at it.

All I remember is this: I had a ball coming right at me. Next thing I know there's stars blasting all over my field of vision, a white blast of pain across my face, and I have my hand up on my nose. I can hear myself saying "I think my nose is broken" and I can feel my hand in my mouth checking to see if all my teeth are still intact, and I was trying to walk but my legs wouldn't do what I was telling them to do everything went a bit grey.....

....and before I know it I'm sitting in the grass crying and my husband's holding me up saying "it's okay, she's okay" and I look up and see three worried little faces looking down at me and my son's saying "Is her nose busted, Dad?" .

I don't know how it happened, but I do know that I tried to catch a ball with my face. My lip and nose are still a bit swollen and painful and I have a headache. My front teeth are intact and aren't wobbly, but when I for up this morning and brushed my teeth a chunk of molar fell off into my mouth. I guess I probably have a bit of a concussion because I'm feeling discombobulated still, but I don't think I need to go to the doctor. Or should I/ I don't know, I can't think straight. It hurt, y'all. I wouldn't recommend anyone else try it; it's not that much fun and you could mess up your profile and smile in the process. Unless you want a nose job for free, that is, then this method is your best bet (unless you have the kind of friends who will punch you in the snout for free, then I'd say that THAT'S the best way to get a free rhinoplasty).

I'm not making a whole lot of sense, am I? Sorry, I'm still feeling a center. Like when I first wake up in the morning; I know where I am and everything, but the fine details take a few seconds to sink in. Yeah, that's what I feel like now. Like I said before, I'm discombobulated. I don't know if that's normal, I've never taken a ball to the face before. I do know that my head hurts and it hurts to bite into things and that my snout's sore and now it's swollen it's even uglier than it normally is. I guess it's normal; you don't get to get smacked with a hard object travelling at a fair old rate of speed and not have any after effects.

Maybe I should think about getting a hockey goalie mask and a mouth guard before I play catch again.

Then again, I could just learn to get behind the fucking ball.

on Mar 13, 2006
I do that very well. Catch the ball with my face!

I hope your nose is not broken, but expect a couple of black eyes at the least. And make sure Dave kisses it to make it feel better! Lots of kisses!
on Mar 13, 2006
It's keep your EYE on the ball, dharma, not your NOSE. Hope you are feeling better.
on Mar 13, 2006
It's keep your EYE on the ball, dharma, not your NOSE.

Hahaha!!!!! For some reason, that got me giggling. That was the problem, Baker. I was concentrating so hard on where my glove was at that I forgot to keep my eye on the ball. Dave said it was like a delayed reaction; I put my glove up AFTER it had hit me in the kisser.

I do that very well. Catch the ball with my face!

I hope your nose is not broken, but expect a couple of black eyes at the least

You did it too? My dad gave up cricket after seeing his friend take a cricket ball to the bridge of his nose - it split the skin and flesh from his forehead to his upper lip. Put dad off for life, it did.

I've decided that if I feel discombobulated tomorrow I'm going to go get checked out. Better safe than sorry, right?
on Mar 14, 2006

How are you feeling today?  I hope it wasn't too serious, but you should go to the Dr. today if you are still feeling "off".

This is a good example of why I stay away from sports....


on Mar 14, 2006
now try to remember, "the ball is your friend" the softer the hands the better the catch.

Hope that great face of yours is better today.

the phantom of joeuser.

on Mar 14, 2006
now try to remember, "the ball is your friend" the softer the hands the better the catch.

Thank you for that advice. Dave didn't tell me that....but it really does make sense. I need to quite trying to catch it with my hand and just let the glove do what it's designed to do!
Thanks, Elie!

the phantom of joeuser

That you are! You lurk......

How are you feeling today?

I have a headache and my nose and face hurt. I'm still a bit 'off center', but I'm better than I was yesterday. The bruise is coming out as well, but I'm owrried about my nose. The inside of it, the septum, is swollen and makes it hard to breathe normally. If it's still painful next week I'll go see my doctor.

Thanks for caring about me, y'all!
on Mar 14, 2006
If it's still painful next week I'll go see my doctor.

How about we make that a short week?
on Mar 14, 2006
dharma: Yikes. Girl, I would have gone to urgent care asap. You don't want to risk having something out of place and healing all screwy.

Hope it feels better soon.
on Mar 14, 2006
You don't want to risk having something out of place and healing all screwy.

Hope it feels better soon.

DITTO! GET yourself in there lady! we're worried about you
on Mar 14, 2006
How about we make that a short week?

Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. I'll make an appointment tomorrow morning.

Girl, I would have gone to urgent care asap. You don't want to risk having something out of place and healing all screwy.

There's a couple of reasons I didn't go: I didn't want to make a big fuss and ruin everyone's day (yeah, I know it's a dumb reason), and secondly....well, I see so many doctors on a regular basis as it is and I'm tired of going to hospitals and clinics. Like I said, I know they're kind of stupid reasons, but....I made them. Looking back on it, with the brief loss of conciousness I had I really should have gone in and got checked out, but hindsight and all that....

I don't think that my snout is busted, but I do think I have a bit of a concussion and I might have fractured the roots of some teeth. I think the doc will want to get an X-ray so we can check to see what (if anything) is broken.

I'll wait for this bruise to come out a bit more then I'll take a photo so y'all can giggle at my bruises!