..under the knife I go...
I'm in a fantastically shitty mood today. It started with the 'Pascal's Wager' fiasco. That was a wonderful way to start the day, I should have know that would happen when I first posted it....oh well, hindsight and all that.
That, combined with my nervouseness and trepidation about tomorrow has served to make me a fucking bitch to be around.
You know, I thought that I'd be tearfully scared, and I havent been. I had a bit of a blub this afternoon, but got over that pretty quickly...now I'm just pissy.
I looked at myself this morning when I stepped out of the shower. I turned this way and that in front of the mirror looking at my breast and thinking that it's never going to look like this again, ever. This time tomorrow it'll be deformed and disfigured, scarred and dented....but at least the majority of it will still be there. It could be much worse, I could be having a mastectomy...heck, I might end up having to have a mastectomy depending on what tomorrow's results show...but at least for now I'll still have a pair.
I wish Dave were here.......