Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on March 8, 2006 By dharmagrl In Misc

It's been a very educational day....

First  I learned that wearing clothes that actually fit me make me look 10lbs lighter.  Squeezing myself into a M rather than an L only serves to make me look flabby and...well, like Britney Spears:  Trailer trashy and nasty.

Then I learned that Levi Strauss consider my shape to be a Misses size 10 (short).  That makes me happy.  In a Junior size I'd be a 13 - an unhappy 13 I might add, not only because of the size but because the jeans would fit me around the butt and thighs but would be huge around the waist.  A Misses size 10 not only fits perfectly, but also makes me look less chunky, AND there isn't half a mile of jean hanging off the bottom of my foot.  Gotta love that!

When I went to the BX this afternoon I learned that a jacket that I've been hankering after for a while was on sale.  Not only was said jacket 75% off, but there was an additional 50% of the clearance price - which means I got a jacket for $7.50.  I already have a gorgeous suede one in a similar style, but there's occasions where I can't wear suede for fear of wrecking it.  This new one is a lighter weight too, so it'll be good for spring and fall. 

Finally, I learned that rudeness knows no class distinction.  When I was checking out of the store this morning, I used the self checkout, where you swipe the stuff yourself instead of having the cashier do it.  In front of me was a lady who I know from various base functions, and who I also know to be a very lah-di-dah officer's wife.  She had a cart beside her, and when she was done paying for her merchandise, she just picked up her bags and walked away - leaving the cart right where it was so I'd have to move it in order to get to the checkout.  Me being me, I called after her "That's okay, I'll put your cart away for you" in a sarcastic manner, and she turned to me and said "oh! They don't have people to do that here?  In all the other places I shop at they do." ...and she turned and walked away.  No thank you, no apology, nothing.  

I learned some very important lessons today.  Did you?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 08, 2006
I learned that the nurse at school is making my kid paranoid. He twisted his ankle a little while on the playground and the nurse had him call me. He sounded concerned but not in pain. I asked if it was swollen and he said it wasn't so I sent him back to class. I told him they could call me back if it got worse.

Well, apparently an hour after lunch they go out for '2nd recess' and his ankle hurt so they called again. I agreed to come look at it on the grounds that if I assessed that it was fine he would go back to class.

It wasn't swollen in the least, no bruising, he was barely even favoring it when he walked. The nurse said that she had told him that she has seen cases where kids break bones and never even know it. The ankle wasn't the problem, the nurse was! She had him totally freaked out over nothing. I looked it over, reassured him that it was fine and he was happily back on his way.

He said he was just worried because he didn't know I could look at it and know it would be okay. He was running around by the time he got home.

BTW, I can't stand people like that woman you described.
on Mar 08, 2006
I learned potty training isn't as easy with the second as the first.

I learned I have a short fuse when ill...I am feeling really bad with a virus brought home by my youngest. I raised my voice to him all morning over trivial matters. I even made him cry, and he is such a good boy.

Something I know and didn't learn today. When mommy is sick we order out!
on Mar 08, 2006
Wrong post...sorry.
on Mar 08, 2006
Great revelations today!  Back in Germany, all the housing areas always had beautification contests.  Ours almost always won (Upper NCOs) and the Officers (low ranks) always came in last. "Dont they have someone else to do that?"
on Mar 08, 2006

Am glad for you that you made some great discoveries today!  Sorry for the rude female....they are out there,  and I think they manage to appear when things are going so good for us,  like if a nasty female sees we're having fun,  she'll try to ruin it....have seen that in action!

I had a real good lesson myself,  I thought I was being good by deleting an accidental triple post,  and I lost points!  but then maybe those points weren't really earned, soooo. oh well. 

AND ,  I gots good news yesterday,  and the day before!  am getting a washing machine and also got a letter saying that an exception is being made in my case,  and they will pay for me to have a new partial along with the new upper denture!  Yay!


on Mar 08, 2006
Hmm. I sure I learned something today. Let see:

1. I won't make it to work on time if I don't get up until ten to nine (this is a lesson I learn just about every day)

2. Soda makes my stomach hurt, but it doesn't stop me from drinking it.

3. You can make anyone believe anything as long as you put together a nice looking presentation

Congrats on finding good fitting clothes, D. That's certainly the key!
on Mar 08, 2006
I learned that we're out of eggs (we went through 2 dozen in a week!) and that my husband is out of shaving cream, which lead to my best quip, ever!

Me: Why didn't you just use that coochy cream to shave with?

Him: I'm not putting your girly stuff on my face.


Him: *reaching out to touch and rub on me*

Me: *Pulling away* Uh-uh. Not after you told me you didn't want my coochy cream on your face!

Is that a great quip or WHAT?

(OK, it might have been lame and only seems funny in retrospect, but my husband was nearly on the floor in shock and laughter, hehe)
on Mar 08, 2006
I learned today, when one door closes another one opens.
on Mar 08, 2006
I learned today, when one door closes another one opens.

Yeah, and you usually get hit in the back with door knob.
on Mar 08, 2006
I learned yesterday that when a four year old runs out of the school building, no matter how fast I run, I'm not going to catch him. Thank God there was someone waiting on the other side of the school.
on Mar 09, 2006
I learned that I missed reading your great posts.

And that being skinny is overrated and eating lots of chocolate is better.

And I learned that guys who call me by the wrong name (not even a slip of the tongue) can leave messages, because I'm not picking up my phone.

And I learned that school is also overrated and people should read books more.

Ohh, and great eye contact during class with the professor is the best form of brown-nosing. Oh so subtle, but effective in mnay cases.

on Mar 09, 2006
I learned that it doesn't matter that I'm 6.5 pounds lighter than I was a month ago, the day before my period -- I still feel FAT.

I learned that I don't mind watching cartoons instead of Fox New Channel in the morning so long as my five-year-old is nestled in beside me with his arm around my neck.
on Mar 09, 2006
Great Dharma! Too bad that lady almost spoiled it! Geech!

Trudy, wonderful about the good news, you lucky lady!

Tex, funny, very funny!
on Mar 09, 2006
I learned that doing a new yoga class is easier in my head than in in real life! sigh

so how did you learn what sis you should be? Someone tell you? or did you jsut try on everything?
on Mar 09, 2006

I learned that doing a new yoga class is easier in my head than in in real life! sigh

Speaking of which, I learned that the area of the yard to be raked is always smaller in my head, than in real life!

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