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Published on March 6, 2006 By dharmagrl In Misc

This spoke to me last week, and it spoke to me again today.  I'm posting it in the hope that maybe it will speak to one of you.


Autobiography in Five Chapers.


1) I walk down the street
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost....I am hopeless
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

2) I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it.
I fall in again.
I can't believe I'm in the same place.
But it isn't my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

3)I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall's a habit.
My eyes are open. 
I know where I am.
It is MY fault.
I get out immediately.

4) I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

5) I walk down a different street.


I still have a lot to learn.

on Mar 06, 2006

I had seen this a long time ago and it fit me to a capitol T!  Then my older sister, in one of her "I just want to help you moments"  sent it to me.

so I emailed her  back;

1. was my first marriage.

2. was my second marriage.

3. was the relationship I was in for 6 years, ( ended it in 2000)

4. was the years following that relationship

5. is NOW! 


on Mar 06, 2006
triple post! oops!
on Mar 06, 2006
this is a good thing to see every so often! appreciate it
on Mar 06, 2006
very cool D, I take that one step further, I move out of town that allows the hole to remain there so long.
on Mar 06, 2006
I am more this type:

I stand back, see others fall in the hole, learn from their mistake, walk around the hole.

I'm not a trail blazer and I'm not very spontaneous. I rarely ever make a big mistake though which has it's obvious benefits and detractors. I fell in some holes when I was a teen though. That is one thing that makes me fear being the parent of teens. I am fully aware that even the most mature, level headed teens do really stupid things.

If you're not learning, are you really living?
on Mar 06, 2006
I think most people don't have the luxury of falling in the same hole twice.

I'm not the type to typically learn from others' mistakes, although I'm getting better, but I'm to the point in my life now where it doesn't matter why I fell in the hole or whose fault it is, I have to claw my way out and leave that hole behind me. There are very few mistakes I've made or could possibly make that I could afford to risk repeating.
on Mar 06, 2006
I've fallen in a particular hole quite a bit. I think I might be at #4. I hope I am, at least.
on Mar 07, 2006

1. was my first marriage.
2. was my second marriage.
3. was the relationship I was in for 6 years, ( ended it in 2000)
4. was the years following that relationship
5. is NOW!

Well done you, Trudy!  It takes some wisdom and self-knowledge to not only walk arounnd the hole but to walk down a different street!

I take that one step further, I move out of town that allows the hole to remain there so long

Why does that not surprise me, Mod?  V. cool.

If you're not learning, are you really living?

I don't think so, no.  I hope I never stop learning.


I think most people don't have the luxury of falling in the same hole twice.

We do, whether you realize it or not.  Any conditioned behaviour we have can end up being a hole in the sidewalk.  The way you react to an argument with your husband, for example, can be a hole in the sidewalk.  The way you behave under stress, the little 'bad' habits you have - both are holes in the sidewalk. 

We all fall into holes every day.


I've fallen in a particular hole quite a bit. I think I might be at #4. I hope I am, at least

There are some things that I'm at number 5 with, some a number 4 and a couple that I'm still waaaay back at number 3 on - sitting in my hole, wondering why the fuck I thought this would be a good idea and okay to do this time when I knew from experience what the result would be.

on Mar 07, 2006
a couple that I'm still waaaay back at number 3 on - sitting in my hole, wondering why the fuck I thought this would be a good idea and okay to do this time when I knew from experience what the result would be.

very very interesting.........and earns a jarfull of cookies! insightful comment!
on Mar 20, 2006
sitting in my hole, wondering why the fuck I thought this would be a good idea and okay to do this time when I knew from experience what the result would be.

*sigh* Yeah. I've been in that hole.
on Mar 22, 2006
This spoke to me last week, and it spoke to me again today. I'm posting it in the hope that maybe it will speak to one of you.

A couple of nights ago I dreamt I fell into a well. I'm sure that this had something to do with it.