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Life As An Air Force Wife
Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Age appropriate?
Published on March 12, 2004 By
Apparently, I'm getting old.
I had this fact pointed out to me a couple of weeks ago. Someone made the comment that what i was experiencing was "perfectly normal for a woman your age". Huh? What d'ya mean, "a woman my age"?? I'm only 34....hey, wait a sec, I'm 34!!! I'm in my mid 30's?!!! When did that happen?
I've never been the kind of person who let herself be defined by her numerical age. I've never said to myself 'K, Dharma, you can't wear those tight pants anymore, you're 30'; or 'you've got to stop getting tattoos and piercings, you're 34 and too old for that sort of thing'. I've just been ME, I like what I like and that's it, whether I'm 13 or 33.
I have to say though, that I find my tastes changing slightly as I age. Gone are the days when I would get palpitations over Justin Timberlake et al. No, these days I'm more likely to get hot under the collar for Harrison Ford or Richard Gere. I no longer envy and want to emulate the likes of Britney and Christina - I consider Diane Lane to be a goddess and think that Jodie Foster looks better as she ages.
I'm embracing my crow's feet - I think they give my face character and balance. I'm past the 'does my ass look big in this' insecurity and on to the 'yeah, I got some junk in my trunk, and I think it looks good!' confidence. I truly think that I look better, and am in better shape now than I ever have been before. I honestly prefer a nice meal in good company to a night spent screaming myself hoarse over the noise of a bar. I wouldn't want to be 20-something again for anything...too much angst. I didn't really feel comfortable with who I was until I had turned 30 ( I was a late bloomer I guess), so maybe that has something to do with it, with my confidence...
I suppose what i'm trying to say here is that I'm (surprisingly) not afraid to be this age, or to have other people know that I'm this age. I don't feel the need to fight it. I don't have the urge to cling to my youth...
... I am ME, regardless of what my age is.
There, I said it.
BTW, this is what I look like at 34.
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Yoga socks and legwarmers
on Mar 13, 2004
age means didly squat!!!!!!!! you are absolutly fabulous-and you look good too!!!!!
just be true to you-thats all that matters!! and email me! soon! please............?
on Mar 13, 2004
Do you have any children? If you do, you qualify for official MILF status.
Sherye Hanson
on Mar 13, 2004
You look good. Age doesn't mean anything.
on Mar 13, 2004
Yes, Bulbous, I have 3...and thanks, I think! Is there a card or certificate I can get to show my status?! And when are we going to be treated to a look at you?
Princess, I didn't forget about you...I'm sending your email now....chin up, hunny, it'll get better..
I have come to the realization as I said, that age is relative. I don't give a rat's ass what other people think...I'm happy with myself, I'm cool with who I am and what I'm about for the first time EVER. Gotta love that...!
Crazy llama 96
on Mar 14, 2004
i couldn't agree more, age dosen't mean a thing at all. I'm 6834 years old today and your story complety reached out and spoke to me. Although i think age does matter in one aspect of life, llama breeding. I just no longer have the urge to watch my precious little llamas grow up and have their own mutant offspring. Of course what really made me slow down on the llama breeding was the new law that states they cannot be imbread. This took all the fun out of my hobby. There is nothing that compares to sitting down after a hard days work and watching the little critors play a good game of Jenga™, then preform hillarous lap dances. These little dances make my pet squirrel randy, exited and happy. The squirrel immediatly starts to "get down" and hump the couch. This is utterly disgusting and must be stopped, so I grab the toliet plunger and sock him one, I mean really hit him. The plunger usually gets stuck inside his rectum and I am able to drag him around the house for the next few weeks. When I finally pull the plunger out, he is "relieved" for a long time and I will not have to take him out for walks for quite awhile. Sadly since my llamas are no longer imbread enough to "preform" I do not enjoy such exiting games as this.
Sir Quaker Oats ™ and Czar Aunt Jemima™
on Mar 14, 2004
crazy llama you certainly live up to your name...
on Mar 14, 2004
Llama, you're a fucking idiot.
I don't like to resort to name-calling, but in this case I think you completely deserve it.
There, I said it.
on Mar 14, 2004
Yeah, I'm kinda iffy on this one. Like you, I'm 33 (going to be 34 in a couple of weeks) and really could give a rat's ass about what I wear, how I look in it, and don't care who is looking at me and what their opinion is. I am very comfortable with who I am, and how I look, and if you don't like it, that's your problem, because it is certainly not a problem with me.
Having said that, I hang out with quite a few people who are younger than me, and it does make a difference in the kind of conversations that we have, where we go when I hang out with them, and why clothing becomes an issue, not just a necessity against the elements. Again, it's not a big deal, I have just as much fun with them as I do with other people who are my age and older, but there is certainly a bit of a division in terms of maturity and recognition. I am really reminded of my age, when I talk about something in my past, and find out that most people can't identify, because they were just in kindergarden when I was a teen.
on Mar 14, 2004
dharmagrl, you look great! I am 33 going on 34 also. I don't feel any particular age. I am truly happy where I am in life. I can never tell a person's age by looking at them anyway. I see 18yr olds that look 30 and 40yr olds that look 25. Age just doesn't matter.
I am more reminded of my age when hanging out with a group of parents with our kids. Being mommy doesn't always make me feel old though. I play in the sandbox and play with Legos. I love being a kid again too.
I don't think I will ever let age determine what I do or don't act upon. If I want to learn to rollerblade when I'm 50, why not? My great aunt broke her leg roller skating in her 70s. I want to be like that (but without the broken leg
on Mar 14, 2004
If anything dharmagrl, you look too mainsteam. A nice madonna piercing would fit you well
on Mar 15, 2004
yeah, Poet...I have my tongue and belly button done...I wanted a medusa or monroe but made a promise to my husband that I wouldn't get any more piercings. I still yearn for one though...last time I went to get tattooed i was talking about getting one done but I know what the aftermath would be like...just not worth it.
on Mar 15, 2004
The most important thing to me to not lose when i get old is my mind. That's why I plan to be a college professor when i get old and grey. The Mankato Nuns are big into retaining their minds in their old age, one of 'em was still teaching in her 90s! that's how I want to be. (since we can no longer afford to retire)
of course, there's a relationship between mind and body, so i'll have to keep the old body in shape too...
YOU look great! keep on keepin on grl!
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