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I'm getting really tired of the BS
Published on March 11, 2004 By dharmagrl In Blogging
You know, I've been blogging for about a month now.

At first I was totally intimidated by some bloggers - I had to read their stuff over a couple of times before I got the point of what they were talking about, and then I didn't dare respond for fear of getting shot down in flames. All in all, I felt pretty un-intelligent and slow-witted.

There are people here who I think are truly brilliant, way smarter than I am or will ever be, and there are people here who I think probably have the IQ of a peanut. It doesn't matter to me. There are people who are right wing, those who are left, bloggers that are devout Christians and are sure that those who are not are all destined for hell...straight bloggers, queer bloggers, old and young bloggers...a myriad of people who come here to write, for whatever reason they may have. Each person's blog is the way they want it to be, and as far as I'm concerned there's room for all. I read (or try to read) what they write, I try to understand their point of view, especially if it's wildly different from my own..and if I think I have something to add, I do.

In have come to realize in the past couple of weeks, however, that there are certain bloggers on here who's sole aim, it seems, is to make themselves seem intellectually superior to everyone else. It doesn't matter what the topic is, they're there with a comment, usually something that they think is stunningly intelligent or incredibly witty - but to me comes over as pretentious and irritating. They nit-pick at little things instead of dealing with the subject matter of the blog, and criticize everyone's ideas/thoughts/dreams/feelings.....

..and I'm tired of it. Why do people feel the need to do that? I'm not talking about debating here, I'm talking about being pompous and arrogant, about having little or no respect for a person's feelings just as long as you get your comment in there and stun us all with your superior intellect...or what you consider to be your superior intellect, anyway.

I think it's BS, and I think I'm going to start calling it as I see it. I haven't been 'Ms Nice Grl' in the past couple of days, and I have to admit it's been kind refreshing. Yes, I got a little criticism for something I said that wasn't too pleasant, but hey...I'm not perfect and I don't make myself out to be...

..unlike some people.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 11, 2004
so you're going to point out the arrogance of other bloggers by being arrogant? sorry... just calling it like I see it...

I hope i'm not guilty of this atrocity that you're referring to... and if i am, i hope you point it out to me...

at the same time, i hope that you don't feel the need to be anything other than the nice sweet dharmagrl that we all know and love...

just a thought
on Mar 11, 2004
no, I'm not going to be arrogant...I don't think I know how! I'm just tired of keeping my mouth shut and feeling I'm not going to do it anymore.

No, MJ it's not you. If it were you I would tell you, of course I would.

I am who I am....I can't be anything else...and you think I'm sweet?! Thank you! I'm sure Dave would argue with you about that one...!
on Mar 11, 2004
lots and lots of truth.   FIrst "insightful" i've given in a while.
on Mar 11, 2004
Thanks, Jeremy.

It's not you, either, btw.
on Mar 11, 2004
Hear hear. I'm still hanging back, but I'm slowly getting to the point you're at. However, I live by the mantra that unless I have something nice to say, I'd rather stay silent. I've learnt a while ago that no matter how hard I try, I won't change the way people view certain issues and I'd rather not turn into a zealot and preach what I think is right, as that would put me in the same league as they are, something I try to steer clear of.
on Mar 11, 2004
Yea, I agree, and I'm not going to go be mean to people just because...that's just wrong, you know? I am, however, going to start speaking up a little more.

I'm just really tired of seeing other people's blogs get picked to bits and condemned by a few 'elitists' who think they're superior to everyone else.
on Mar 12, 2004
yeah, dharma, I write what I feel, and I write for ME. If other people get some enjoyment out of it, hey, that's great too, but I don't write for the crappy people in the world.
on Mar 12, 2004
I strongly agree with the article but since you're not lacking for approbation, let me throw in two cents worth of response.

I think that sometime, mental heavyweights feel the need to stop moving boxes and pump some iron. Test out their maxes. Exert their strength. Sometimes, I believe, JoeUser is that venue, not a true expression of their mind but rather a tool by which they can be clever and devious just for the sake of being clever and devious.

Please note that I don't commend that behavior, but I understand and have certainly been guilty of it in the past. Also, just so I don't sound too arrogant, when I say "mental heavyweight," what I mean is somebody whose primary is strength is their mind.

That's what I think. Great post, and it was also my first insightful in quite some time.

on Mar 12, 2004
mental heavyweight... I like that...

i wish i could bench more
on Mar 12, 2004
The problem with mental heavyweights is the brand of humor...

I have posted overly witty remarks, which a majority of people have appreciated and laughed, but someone who doesn't understand that form of humor will disregard as a blatant insult, and an Internet fight will surely ensue... And it has worked the other way around i am sure, because sometimes wit is lost in translation.

Dharma, tell it like it is, you have nothing to be afraid of here. Besides, i have got your back...

and if its me!!!! i apologise profusely! but i dont think it is, i just thought i would add that discalimer

on Mar 12, 2004
I think that sometime, mental heavyweights feel the need to stop moving boxes and pump some iron. Test out their maxes. Exert their strength. Sometimes, I believe, JoeUser is that venue, not a true expression of their mind but rather a tool by which they can be clever and devious just for the sake of being clever and devious.

Dan Kaschel is the smartest person he's ever met.
on Mar 14, 2004
I have been experiencing different blogs lately and I found big difference with JoeUSer. The structure of JU is between forum and blog, and lead to articles, highly opiniated and highly discussed. JUis actually an arena in the old greek democraty style, and the point system actually allow to show the winners. That has qualities and flaws. but actually heavyweight people can come here for exercising themself and mesure their ability.
In other blog, you tend to explore new blogger using the blogroll, and most of the people have more than 20 favorite blogs. You don't see that much here because the title allows and the category allow you to pick up the "fight" you are in mood to wage. I think that system breed a little of arrogance and a little of agressivity too. At the end, it is a "balls" game, but with a brain behind a keyboard.

on Mar 14, 2004
There are flaws in all blogsites, but it is fun for me to blog here. I try not to nitpick but I've been opinionated all my life and think I'm an expert on everything. So I'm sure I annoy some people. But over all I think it is great fun. I love your comments Dharmagrl so keep on making them.
on Mar 14, 2004
Yep. Agreed. Don't sweat the insults. Speak your mind and then walk away if you need to.

If JoeUser is a venue for mental heavyweights to exert their strength, professional wrestling is ballet. Sorry I will stick to stopping Moving Boxes.
on Mar 21, 2004
Wait... I think I forgot what this blog was about...

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