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Published on February 6, 2006 By dharmagrl In Current Events

Remember this guy?

His name is Omar Khayam.  He was so offended by the cartoons depicting his god that he took to the streets of London dressed as a suicide bomber to protest.

His actions caused one newspaper to go dig around in his past.  I'm not a huge fan of The Sun, but sometimes they're on time and on target, and it would seem that they've hit a bullseye with this one.

Because all is not as it seems with Omar.

 Mr Khayam has a criminal history.  For dealing crack.

That's crack cocaine.  Illegal drugs.  2oz of crack, actually. He got 6 years in prison for it.  Was only released a few months ago, actually. 

Now I'm no Muslim scholar, but the last time I checked, the Koran specifically forbade the taking of drugs. In fact, if he had been caught dealing in Iraq he'd have been executed. 

That casts a new light things, doesn't it?  It does for me.

Apparently, Mr Khayam has been made to publicly apologize by his mosque elders.  He said he was very sorry for his actions.  Hmmm...I wonder what they threatened him with to get him to say that? A forced return to his country of origin, perhaps?  It's certainly a turnaround, because on Sunday, the day after the protest, he was very defiant and said that he wasn't ashamed and even went so far as to say he'd do it again. 

Perhaps he'll be doing it in a prison uniform next time.  Because he's on probation, and gathering to protest like that is probably a violation of the terms. 

Then again, if he does it again he might get sent back to wherever it was his family came from.  I'm sure they're going to be real happy with his crack-dealing self.

What a foolish young man.  Didn't he think he'd be noticed and his criminal past uncovered??

  It makes me wonder how many more British Muslims who claim to be so horribly offended by those cartooms are Muslim in name only and went on the protest march for a little bit of what we Brits call 'aggro'.  It's short for aggrivation, and it's a term used to describe antagonistic behaviour to incite violence.

It's something to think about.



on Feb 07, 2006
Ha! Nice reminder that, contrary to what many people believe, christians don't have the monopol on hypocracy.
on Feb 07, 2006
It makes me wonder how many more British Muslims who claim to be so horribly offended by those cartooms are Muslim in name only and went on the protest march for a little bit of what we Brits call 'aggro'. It's short for aggrivation, and it's a term used to describe antagonistic behaviour to incite violence.

dharma, I do not want you to feel defensive. I can see where are you coming from. But I need to say that one of your latest articles also falls under the category "antagonistic behaviour to incite violence." I sincerely ask if there is any benefit from writing that article. I think everyone in here already knows some muslims are not well-advised in their actions. But it is possible that some muslims read your article. And it will just incite them more to be more intolerant. This will be a crazy circle of evil.
on Feb 07, 2006
This post is slightly off-topic but I couldn't reply on the other article:

Be careful of what you wish for. You might get it and regret it. I think WWIII is going to come very soon and it will not be short. How do you fight a religion?
on Feb 07, 2006
But I need to say that one of your latest articles also falls under the category "antagonistic behaviour to incite violence."

You should be GLAD she has this venue to vent her frustrations. Else mayhap she would pick up a gun?
on Feb 07, 2006
But I need to say that one of your latest articles also falls under the category "antagonistic behaviour to incite violence."

Really? Let me guess...hmm.....would that be the one with the pictures of the protestors? How can you say that I'm giving aggro in that one? Because I told the Muslim fanatics to 'bring it on'? If you think that's aggro, pally, you must be soft. If I wanted to cause aggro, I could go into town to visit the very healthy Muslim community and drop off flyers of the cartoons that all this fuss is about. THAT would be aggro. But this....this isn't. To be honest, it's people like you who say that ordinary people like me need to be more sensitive and touchy feely towards the animals that perpetrate this shite that's got us into this fucking mess to begin with.

Oh, and I'm going to make sure you can't comment on this article anymore either. If you want to talk here, get a user ID. Don't hide behind an anon handle.

You should be GLAD she has this venue to vent her frustrations. Else mayhap she would pick up a gun?

Not me. Yes, I have a concealed carry permit and own firearms, but no, I'd never pick up a gun in anger or frustration. Ever.

I'd go on protest marches though. In a heartbeat.
on Feb 07, 2006

ONe would not have to dig up any criminal past to realize this clown is a total jackass!  hey!  Protest if you want, it is your right in the west (unlike the MIddle East).  But dressing up like a suicide bomber?  Why not just put on a Nazi Uniform!

He was probably doing more than selling crack.  He probably killed his lone brain cell smoking it!

on Feb 07, 2006
Not me. Yes, I have a concealed carry permit and own firearms, but no, I'd never pick up a gun in anger or frustration.

That's good to know.

However, I think frustration and yes anger, are part of the reasons we went into Afghanistan and Iraq. We couldn't get satisfaction any other way. My point is this, as long as average people can speak out and burn off their frustrations with words and writing, it "may" keep them from immediately jumping the gun...(pun intended).
on Feb 07, 2006

He was probably doing more than selling crack. He probably killed his lone brain cell smoking it!

Yeah, he's an eejit for sure.

I'm sure she hopes they DO read her article.

Yep.  I'd be glad if they did.

We arent to be outraged because one of our own citizens was arrested for handing out cartoons while others, (convicted crack dealers, no less) are parading around dressed as suicide bombers and calling for our heads?

Exactly.  We have to be so fucking considerate of their feelings lest we hurt or offend them, but they can go parading around the streets of london dressed like that less than a year after 50 odd people were killed by their fanatic brethren?  What about OUR fucking feelings????  What about the slogans on the placards saying that Islam is the answer to europe's cancer?  What the fuck are we supposed to think of that?  How can you say that we should be tolerant of people who's obvious objective is to convert everyone to their faith by whatever means necessary?

I'm done being tolerant.  I could give a fuck whether they're offended or not.  These are people who are offended when one of their women shows too much ankle under her burkah; they're offended by EVERYTHING we do.  So, fuck them.  Let them be offended, they'll have to get over it and press on like the rest of the world.

I think frustration and yes anger, are part of the reasons we went into Afghanistan and Iraq

I think that we went because of what they did to us.  I think that it was more cold and calculating that it was angry.

on Feb 07, 2006
My sister in-law used to be married to a Pakistani Muslim while they were living in Japan.
He was a great guy before the marriage.

They would both go out, have drinks, smoke cigarettes and whatnot.
Once they got married, he forbade HER to stop drinking and smoking. He would go out drinking all night and come home early next morning.

He later abandoned their family leaving the wife with 2 small kids to fend completely for themselves because he had moved in with his girlfriend. He still insisted that the kids needed to be packed and sent to Pakistan to live with his family. My sister in-law got the hell out and came to the states.

We then later found out he had joined the Yakuza and was dealing drugs in Japan.

Let's just say it destroyed and faith I had in good Muslim men.