I had to buy my eldest kid new shoes today.
She's been wearing my shoes for about a year now...I've banned her form wearing heels and pointy toes not only because I don't want her to get bunions, but it'll make her taller than me too.
I wear a size 7, sometimes a 7 1/2. I had a couple of pairs of size 8's that she's been wearing, so I thought that's what size she'd need when we got her new shoes.
She's in an 8 1/2, and there were a couple of styles in which she felt more comfortable in a size 9.
A NINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????? She's only 12!!!!!!!!!!!
If her feet at this size now, what the hell kind of boats is she going to have by the time she's done growing!!!!???????
I expected her to be taller than me, and I expected her to have bigger feet than me, but...I had really thought that she'd be at least in her mid-teens before that happened.
Well, at least my shoes are safe.....her feet are too big for them anymore!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!