Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.

I just saw this and I simply cannot believe it. Link

A man is suing 'Fear Factor' over an episode where contestants had to eat dead rats.

Is the man a contestant, suing because the rat made him ill?  No.

He's a viewer.  He's suing because he says the episode made him vomit, get light headed and dizzy and adversly affected his blood pressure.  He says he was traumatized.

Give me a freakin' break.  Please. about, instead of filing suit, he turn the channel?  He could even have gone so far as to turn the TV off.  He could have walked away, walked out of the room, written a letter to his senator, the TV company, his local newspaper.....

But no.  In the grand American tradition, he decided to sue.

I'm totally and utterly disgusted and dismayed by this. 

And people say we don't need Tort reform in this country....



Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 09, 2005
He could have walked away, walked out of the room, written a letter to his senator, the TV company, his local newspaper..... Too much to ask of a member of dumbing down America, of which Fear Factor is the epitome.
on Jan 09, 2005

The problem is that people file suits because they usually get a settlement of some type because big business doesn't want to waste time in court.  So, even if it is a baseless claim, there is usually a payout.

I think that lawsuit claims need to have reasonability testing by some sort of arbitrator before they can even be filed.  Any voluntary action should be thrown out immediately.  Watching TV is voluntary.  As soon as he saw the dead rats, he could have turned his TV off.  Nobody forced him to watch.

I think this guy should go walk around some chinese markets and get enlightened about what a lot of other people eat

on Jan 10, 2005

The lawsuit was handwritten, that ought to tell you something about the quality of the lawsuit.  When I was a lawyer, I had one lawsuit against a client that was handwritten in Crayon.  Anyone want to guess about how long it took the judge to throw that one out?


on Jan 10, 2005
I think I'm going to sue the people who made the Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Friday the 13th movies. They scared me
on Jan 10, 2005
As Charlie Brown would say "Good grief!".  My biology teacher made me disect cow's eyes in middle school.  Talk about feeling queezy!  And I was forced!  I should have sued!   This is incredibly outrageous.  I am glad to hear that it was submitted personally and that some lawyer didn't take up that one.
on Jan 11, 2005
Can I sue if I accidently see another episode of Jerry Springer? The banality of this show makes me ill. Or what about Dr. Phil? Or Oprah, for that matter? C'mon, there are far worse things on television than Fear Factor. You're lucky you don't have Neighbours - bleucchhh...


on Jan 11, 2005
Maso -
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