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Another military cock-up.
Published on September 25, 2004 By dharmagrl In Misc

The military has successfully screwed up Dave's pay again.

We went to check his pay statement online, and there's almost $1100 more in there than there's supposed to be.

We were entitled to more money this month because we moved, and weren't living in military housing for 2 weeks - therefore we get housing allowance for those 2 weeks.  I looked to see how much it was based on his rank, and it's around $800 amonth.  Divide that by 2, and you get $400.  Not $1100. 

The screwed up his pay when he went to Greenland, they screwed it up again when he came home for leave, they screwed up his entitlements before he came back from Greenland, and they've managed to do it yet again.

We're going to have to go to the finance office on Monday to get to straightened out.  The thing is, once the pay amount is set and destined for our bank account, the military can't change it.  Nor can they accept a check from us to re-pay the surplus amount.  They'll take it out of his next 2 or 3 paychecks.  It's not going to hurt us, but it is a pain in the ass.  Now we'll have to watch his pay statements like hawks to ensure that they #1 take enough out, and #2 don't take too much out.  To top all this off we have a pay increase coming up shortly when he sews on E-6 - that's going to add even more confusion.  Ultimately it's us that gets the shaft. Between having to go back and forth to finance, to juggling payments on accounts, to moving money from eher to's all, like I said, a pain in the ass and I don't think that we should have to deal with it.  Not regularly, like we have been.

I don't think that it's too much to ask that an entity as big as the USAF get shit right...we can be 'on time, on target' for bombing missions, but we can't get something as simple as someone's paycheck straight? 

That's crap.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 26, 2004
It is important to note that, with exceptions (as with every rule), the pay specialists, file clerks and administrative specialists in the Armed Forces are the people who didn't score high enough for the more technical jobs. Salt of the earth. The common clay of the Armed Forces.You know... morons.

My old 1SG used to say that if he had been in an admin/finance MOS, the Army would have to make up some new enlisted ranks, because he would have made it to E-20 by that point in his career! That always made me laugh, but now I'm thinking about stealing the line.
on Sep 26, 2004
let's just say that at this college, you'll graduate before you ever get financial aid people to award you financial aid.

My SO is trying to get the GI Bill to kick in... at least two terms have gone by where it seems to have been awarded "retroactively"... we were paid *after* the class was over.
on Sep 27, 2004
My SO is trying to get the GI Bill to kick in... at least two terms have gone by where it seems to have been awarded "retroactively"... we were paid *after* the class was over.

That's upsetting... a nun at a school I went to said "pieces of paper are connected to people" and it just blew me away. why can't other folks have that attitude?!
on Sep 27, 2004
Do they have un-trained chimps working in military pay offices?

This is extremely insulting to untrained chimps. I am no animal activist, but to compare a poor beast of the earth to those losers in the finance office is a surprisingly low blow and should be rectified at once.
on Sep 27, 2004
@ SPC Nbs
on Sep 28, 2004

Here's the skinny:  it was an Airman in finance who failed to complete the paperwork to stop the BAH.  We had to go to housing to get the transmittal document to show that housing had sent the papers over to finance, and got the Airman's signature from that document.  The paperwork is controlled, so losing it is really a big deal.  As it is, we now owe the government $840.  We can't pay it until we're sure that the BAH has actually stopped, and that won't be until the 1st November - but they're letting us go in and give them a check for the full amount instead of taking it out of Dave's pay.  Much less of a pain in the rear for us...

I asked to talk to the Airman in question, but he was at lunch.  They said he was at lunch, anyway.  I wasn't going to yell, I was just going to tell him that his lack of attention and his poor attitude towards detail had cost us half a day and had caused us a financial headache that would last until almost to Christmas....and that seeing as how he was the one who failed to complete his job as required, he could have the $844 taken out of his check instead.

I hate finance...and given yesterday's revelation, I don't think I will apologize for calling the personnel 'untrained chimps'.

on Sep 28, 2004

I can't help but lean liberal
Bravo, but I trust you don't have too many friends among the other wives presumably conservative.[?]

Dharma, Blame it all on Microsoft!

on Sep 30, 2004
My husband reenlisted last year September.....the bonus didn't hit till July of this year. The best part? They paid us the bonus TWICE IN 6 DAYS!!!! So we are only in the hole to the Army for $7500....i had to sit on the money for over a month till I could find out what is going on. So now....they take out $300 a month till it's repaid. At this rate, it's a good thing he reuped, cause that's how long it will take to pay it back. And I have to double check the total every month to make sure they don't overcharge us for the mistake THEY made.

So don't feel so bad.....the Army Finance sucks too.
on Oct 01, 2004

So now....they take out $300 a month till it's repaid. At this rate, it's a good thing he reuped, cause that's how long it will take to pay it back. And I have to double check the total every month to make sure they don't overcharge us for the mistake THEY made.

They said that they were going to take half of ours out on Dec 1st, half on Dec 15th.  I said, no I was going to come in and pay it instead.  I want it over and done with, I don't want it dragging on over Christmas, having to watch Dave's pay like a hawk to make sure they don't scew it up again.

I think that it's military finance, period.  I think they're all a bunch of loser idiots...

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