This blog is dedicated to the mullet, and all the mullet stylin' dudes...may you wear your mullets with pride (and give the rest of us hours more entertainment)!
First, we have the 'Play some Skynrd, dude!' mullet. The wearer of this mullet usually owns a Camaro or Firebird and has a penchant for black t shirts and hi-top tennis shoes:
Next, we have the 'I'm just gorgeous' mullet. The wearer of this style can be identified by his excessive use of 'Old Spice' and 'Aqua Net' hairspray, and the exorbitant amount of time he spends in front of the mirror preening. Can also be found admiring his reflection in store windows:
Here we see the 'Hayseed' mullet, also known as the 'Joe Dirt'. This is a rarer style than the previous two; in fact it can be argued that this style is nearing extinction. This wearer can be found anywhere there is a predominace of delapidated pick-up trucks, trailer homes, confederate flags and 'Old Milwaukee' beer. Usually indigenous to the southern states, however, has been known to migrate north:
Because this is an equal opportunity blog, here we see the female mullet, the 'mulletina'. As you can see from the background, the wearer of this style can commonly be found in flea markets and thrift stores.
If you have any further styles you wish to submit, please feel free to do so!