Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on August 14, 2004 By dharmagrl In Misc

The battle with my neighbors finally got to me last night.  I spent the evening in tears because of what happened yesterday afternoon.

I was walking back from my friends house with me youngest son, and saw my neighbor (Stupid Girl) and her friends (The Black Elk Bitches) sitting across the street in someone's front yard.  As I was walking up my driveway, Stupid Girl stands up, points and me, and yells "Look at her.  She's such a stupid fucking bitch.  She fucking called to complain about a alarm clock going off.  how fucking pathetic.  What fucking bitch"  Then they (the entire group) all started laughing and clapping.  My son said "are they talking about you, mom?".  I said I didn't know, but that we should probably just ignore them and keep on walking...I didn't want to tell him that they were, that would just have upset him.  So, we came inside, and I went down to my bedroom and cried.

My tears were mainly out of frustration.  I wanted so badly to go over there and confront her when she yelled like that - but that would have been a mistake.  If she's immature enough to resort to name calling in front of her cronies ...then my asking her what the hell her problem is wouldn't have done any good at all.  I'm not going to get into a screaming match in the street, unlike her I have more self respect than that.  I had to let her get her dig in, and I had to just walk away.

You know, I don't know what else I was supposed to deal with the alarm clock situation (for those of you who don't know, these people went away for a few days and left their alarm clock set for 3am.  It's positioned directly against the dividing wall of our bedrooms, and it woke me up 2 nights in a row before I complained.  It started at 3, and went until 0530-ish before it turned itself off)  All I did was call DB's supervisor to see if anyone could go in and turn it off.  That's what she cussed at me for.

I'm not letting that behaviour go unmentioned though.  I have 'Dumb Boy' (her husband)'s duty phone number.  I know who his supervisor is.  I'm calling him on Monday morning to tell him about this.  I don't deserve to be treated like that, no-one does. 

I'm reminding myself that I only have to live here for 4 more days, then I can move on...but I pity the people that move in after me. 

They don't know what they're getting into.

P.S....this isn't the right thing to do, but....we're staying in Billeting on Wednesday night.  I think I might just 'forget' our clock radio.  I also think that I might set it for 2 am and place it right up against the bedroom wall, turned up to full volume.  I think I might see how they like a taste of their own medicine....

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 14, 2004
The problem with that, though, GREAT as it that that might be construed as a threat, and with dharma's hubby being in the military, that might be looked at quite seriously if they ever tracked it back.

You know, though, a suggestion, you and your hubby might want to consider launching just such a revenge based web business...have people pay you to send out such "gems", and you guys take the heat for it. The beauty of it is, after the first few deliveries, the business would basically advertise
on Aug 14, 2004
I swear I've seen a site that will do just that for you(though I don't think it is as well laid out as LW's example though).
on Aug 14, 2004
You should use someone else's crap, though, in case they DNA test it.

Can we get a crap donor over here? lol
on Aug 14, 2004
No, the place I am thinking of dealt exclusively in sending feces through the mail.... though I haven't seen the place for a while... so perhaps they are no longer around. Then again, maybe they diversified.
on Aug 14, 2004
hmmm...maybe it was: Nope, that ain't

I think they got shut down because of some stupid law that you couldn't buy or sell human wastes (I think it was designed to thwart fetishists). I could be mistaken on this, though.
on Aug 14, 2004
...that's great, LW...

I can hear the dispatcher now: "Car 57, we have a situation at 333 state street. It seems there is a dildo in someone's flowerbox...repeat...a dildo in someone's flowerbox. Please proceed with caution and do NOT make eye contact with the dildo. Over."
on Aug 14, 2004
No no NO, you don't put dead annimals under the porch. You put ALMOST dead animals under the porch. Nothing is as mind-rending as a death rattle at 2 AM.

And always file complaints about things, especially for something like this. Those things stack up.

I'm beginning to think that we should relegalize dueling. Maybe then people would be more considerate of others if they knew that they might be getting the business end of a .45 at ten paces after they "insult your honor."
on Aug 14, 2004
No no NO, you don't put dead annimals under the porch. You put ALMOST dead animals under the porch. Nothing is as mind-rending as a death rattle at 2 AM.

note to self: do NOT piss off zweihander01, do NOT piss off zweihander01, do NOT piss off zweihander01.
on Aug 14, 2004

I'm beginning to think that we should relegalize dueling. Maybe then people would be more considerate of others if they knew that they might be getting the business end of a .45 at ten paces after they "insult your honor."

I'm a better shot than she is too.........!

on Aug 15, 2004
Don't know how things are these days, but when I was in, Base Housing was a privilege. I'd go to the housing office the day you leave and file a formal complaint (if you have time - I know moves are hectic). Won't help you, obviously, but when the next tennant has a problem, there will be some background info for the housing gendarmes. If you can't get it done before you leave, just relish the leaving.

on Aug 15, 2004

Base Housing was a privilege. I'd go to the housing office the day you leave and file a formal complaint

It IS a privelege...and I've already spoken to the housing inspector about it.  I'll talk to her again when she comes out to do our final inspection.

on Aug 15, 2004
I was walking back from my friends house with me youngest son, and saw my neighbor (Stupid Girl) and her friends (The Black Elk Bitches) sitting across the street in someone's front yard. As I was walking up my driveway, Stupid Girl stands up, points and me, and yells "Look at her. She's such a stupid fucking bitch. She fucking called to complain about a alarm clock going off. how fucking pathetic. What fucking bitch" Then they (the entire group) all started laughing and clapping. My son said "are they talking about you, mom?". I said I didn't know, but that we should probably just ignore them and keep on walking...I didn't want to tell him that they were, that would just have upset him. So, we came inside, and I went down to my bedroom and cried.

I'm sorry, but if Someone said this too me in front of my kid, come hell or high water there would have been an ass kicking. Might of been mine, but I'd have dug in. That's, what we call here in Texas, BULLSHIT.
on Aug 15, 2004
Wow~ I can't believe what a bitch this girl is! Please file a complaint against her...

Karma will one day catch up with her. She is probably just a miserable human being whoes only joy is trying to make others miserable...

At least you are leaving! YAY for new beginnings!
on Aug 16, 2004
"I think I might just 'forget' our clock radio. I also think that I might set it for 2 am and place it right up against the bedroom wall, turned up to full volume. I think I might see how they like a taste of their own medicine...."

DharmaGrl: Don't just think. PLEASE DO!! Would serve them right!! As for me, I wouldn't mind booby trapping the radio too
on Aug 16, 2004
P.S....this isn't the right thing to do, but....we're staying in Billeting on Wednesday night. I think I might just 'forget' our clock radio. I also think that I might set it for 2 am and place it right up against the bedroom wall, turned up to full volume. I think I might see how they like a taste of their own medicine....

Man you have to do that, seriously, there is nothing at all to feel guilty about there.

The other suggestions were... , well, they made me even more paranoid about ever seriously pissing anyone off.
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