This is article number 200. Again, I can't think of anything to write for this auspicious occasion.
I do have new pictures of some of the kittens, tho. I'm in them too...bare-faced, so be prepared. Hopefully no-one will be too traumatized!
Link, I meant sans cosmetics, Greywar. Au Lonesome is accustomed to seeing me first thing in the morning.
Hmm...odd friend....not Pseudo, by any chance?!
Actually, the weather cleared up and my mood improved. It's sunny and bright instead of dull and drizzly....hence a sunnier Dharma. I also came to a point of acceptance over a lot of stuff..whatever happens, happens. We did all we could - it's out of our hands now.
The kittens do make me smile though.
I still can't believe I put my naked faced picture on the internet......
Thanks, Nic.
Since I went through my cosmetics embargo a couple of months ago I really don't wear that much anymore. I bit of mascara perhaps, but no foundation and no lipstick. I tried to wear it a couple of days ago and ended up washing it off because it felt so...sticky and greasy, I suppose. So, I'm not really that bothered about it...I am who I am...I'm just a little shocked that I've come so far. 4 months ago there would have been no way I'd have done it!
They are really sweet kittens, btw......
Yes, it is, and yes, that's what it is. It's called an Ouroborous, and it is a Gnostic infinity symbol. It's thousands of years old (the symbol, not that tattoo). All of my tattoos are infinity symbols...that particular one was my first.
Why does that creep you out?
I researched it somewhat extensively before I had my tattoo artist draw it for me, and I never heard of that. I'll go look at my books and stuff again, though.
Here's a couple of links off the top of my head that are good....
Nothing I've found in the past or am finding right now mentions anything about Chinese cannibalism and the ouroboros.....
Aw, the kitties are sooo tiny! I have never owned a cat and my dogs were always fixed so we never had tiny, newborn animals. Babies of any kind can lift one's spirits.
200 articles! Wow, I am way behind schedule
Having these kittens has been a good lesson for my kids...Davey and Shea got to see some of them be born.
Now they're asking when they're going to open their eyes, be able to hear, walk etc. They've named all of them...we have 4 boys...Rupert, Brad, Spot and Tiny Tim, and 2 girls....Jill and Chester the second (Lonesome and I had a great cat named Chester when we lived in England, and this kitten looks a lot like, despite the fact that she's a girl, we named her after Chester). If we keep one, she'll be it.