I have a new cause.
I recently discovered an organization called 'Garden of Angels'.
This organization claims the bodies of abandoned infants, names them, and buries them with dignity and respect. They also promote the 'Safe Arms For Newborns' bill to try and diminish the number of discarded babies.
What a beautiful, meaningful thing. Even though no-on eloved those babies in life, these people are loving them in death....giving them an identity, a name....some dignity. Taking them from ME's offices after they've been found thrown away like garbage in trash cans, dumpsters and such. Making sure they're taken care of, that they're not forgotten, that people know that they were here and that they lived, if only for a little while...that someone wanted them. I highly encourage you to follow the link and go see for yourself the work that's being done for these lost little ones: Link
When we get to our next duty station, if there's no 'Garden' already established I'm going to start one. Even if I only make a difference to one newborn...at least I've made a difference.